Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 Now I see no evidence in the er proposals of the other two groups of those qualities , there I do not see coherent form of covering for the contingencies that we could face and I see a real unwillingness to indicate how they would tackle priorities .
2 for a grant for the toys because we got the original grant from Children In Need
3 So people gave us money for the stamps that we put on and other people gave us donations .
4 A London postman 's daughter whose grandmother lived next door remembers how the old lady ‘ used to pass one or two little bits and pieces over to us , but she used to say to mother , ‘ I ca n't do much for the grandchildren because we have no pension at the end . ’
5 It means money for the clubs and we have a tremendously committed and talented unit who genuinely care about the game . ’
6 We were told that this money was being collected for the families and we gave this money through the official trade union for that purpose .
7 ‘ I 'm going to offer a programme that 's going to create half a million or more jobs in the short run , that is highly progressive , that is very well balanced , that is faithful to the great middle class of this country and good for the things that we care about , jobs and health care , ’ he said of his economic plan .
8 We aim to make a decision within eight weeks on papers that go through our full peer review process and within two weeks for the papers that we reject in house .
9 It 's looking promising at the moment , we 've had a lot of support from the people of Didcot , er a number of companies have made donations , T N T express have given us a van to er transport the bikes to the start/finish , and Denton Cycles spares for the bikes if we break down , punctures being the worst
10 What then are the implications of our experiment for the questions that we raised in our introductory remarks ?
11 And as we were coming home from Rousay pier we met the Wyre post boat coming across for the mails that we already had dumped in Rousay .
12 As we went back to Wyre home to Wyre we could meet the Wyre post boat coming across for the mails that we put to Rousay .
13 They work for those and algebra just follows , so it just follows the normal rules that we 're using for the numbers that we know .
14 We use the words ‘ give us this day our daily bread ’ , and seldom say ‘ thank you ’ for the ways that we see answers to the prayer .
15 The shivering group was quickly fuelled by big bowls of soup and glasses of wine and then , very suddenly , the sun beamed through and the cloud disappeared — everyone scampered for the lifts and we had the most wonderful afternoon imaginable .
16 If the origin of life were a probable event by ordinary human standards , then a substantial number of planets within radio range should have developed a radio technology long enough ago ( bearing in mind that radio waves travel at 186,000 miles per second ) for us to have picked up at least one transmission during the decades that we have been equipped to do so .
17 We used the number of deaths at 3 , 6 , 9 , 12 , and 18 months as the endpoints because we were unable to obtain all the individual data .
18 It was a very moving experience , barriers were broken between the mums and we could talk from our hearts .
19 " There 's a thick mist between the hills and us .
20 A timetable covering the completion of our work and of the transaction under the terms of the engagement will be drawn up and agreed between the directors and us by [ date ] .
21 Pausanias does not consider the authorship of the metopes , but the difference of approach we noticed between the two groups corresponds so exactly to the difference between the gables that we can safely postulate one designer for the sculptures at each end of the building ; but can it be one man who designed both ?
22 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
23 David Sollom , owner of the centre and one of the three instructors of the day , was enthusiastic about the conditions so we drove straight out to one of the four sites which the school uses .
24 We then talked about the first of those two towers of Tower Bridge if you remember which was about the skills that we need for er delivery .
25 We did n't tell them about the Germans because we did n't want them to be more worried than they were already .
26 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his comments about the policies that we have been pursuing and economic prosperity in the Province , where we have seen advances in recent years .
27 Erm , in the Customer Services area once we 've seen what changes Customer Service wish to make during this year that they myself and Roger and gon na find that out , hopefully , tomorrow , erm , then we 'll be more specific about the areas that we have to address on th , the first and second floor .
28 So could I just in conclusion say please fill in your short questionnaire thank you for your attendance and I can assure you as Chairman of the trust what you said and the question 's you 've raised this evening will be looked at in great detail and we will be reporting back to you in the near future about the proposals that we wish to make .
29 So what about the things that we occasionally hear of colour shifts and so on — is that relevant to what we 're talking about at the moment ?
30 As we walked back , Silver told me many interesting things about the ships that we passed .
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