Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [conj] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 They took the nearest passage in the same direction , snapping off the torches and moving by touch alone , eyes straining in the swirling gas , tensed for the figures that could be the fleeing enemy — or Lawton and Silk falling back .
2 Afraid she might doze off if she gave in to temptation and lay down on the bed , she sat down instead on the room 's only chair , and picked up a book , absorbing not a single word as she waited for the sounds that would mean he was turning in for the night .
3 This provides the timetable for the meeting and allows members of the committee to prepare themselves in advance for the discussions that will take place .
4 Whether or not specific arrangements were discussed by the two unionist groupings , the election was more of a success for the conservatives than would be implied by the victory of one of the two Protestant Unionists .
5 A U-turn on this issue would be embarrassing for the Conservatives and should not be expected .
6 With a sense of impending doom heavy on her shoulders , she went up to their shared suite to have a long , relaxing shower before preparing herself for the fireworks that would inevitably , as night overtook day , follow .
7 And while the ethical concerns are real enough , they are not novel in medicine , and are worth confronting for the benefits that will come to our patients and the community .
8 The other point I 'm trying to say is that we have to insure with a Department of Trade approved insurer , so that should anything , for any reason , ever happen to ourselves or a company , then the insurance company is still responsible for the claims and will meet them .
9 A much more dramatic break with the current political tradition is required if progress is to be made in building support for the policies that could spring Britain 's underclass from its current position .
10 It is clear that the lexical representation is flexible enough to meet at least some of the demands of real speech , and certainly adequate for the experiments that will be described in the following chapters .
11 He had four chances of piling on the agony for the Londoners but could not find a way past keeper Bob Bolder .
12 It would certainly create more work for the lawyers but would not add a great deal of protection for the ordinary person .
13 Nevertheless , it seems clear that there are relatively few ranges of values for the numbers that would allow the development of any form of intelligent life .
14 social phenomena have meaning for the participants and may be perceived differently depending on their context
15 Twin Oaks looks a great type for the fences and may be the hardest to beat but I also have a healthy respect for Cool Ground and Brown Windsor .
16 As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company , the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt .
17 He felt for the words that should follow , the first step that was as hard as a death , or more truly , as hard as being born again .
18 The clauses in the bill and the Government 's proposals for the regualtions that will follow from them , raise some fundamental issues .
19 For the supporters that might signal the end .
20 Rabin indicated that a Labour government would favour working out an offer of autonomy for the Palestinians and would freeze settlements in the occupied territories , although he would insist on retaining " in principle " the right to strengthen existing settlements in East Jerusalem , the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley .
21 This involves a major change in shape , for the cells that will form the gut are a small patch on the outside and so must move inwards ; this infolding of the wall will move right across the hollow interior to meet the wall on the other side where the mouth will form .
22 The institute will be the co-ordinating body for the centres and will link with Institutes of European Studies in other European countries in a network known as the Europaeum .
23 The company is foreswearing Sun Express as a distribution point for the Classics and will go through its usual channels instead .
24 During the discussions that will range from the channel tunnel to the north-west of England , will my hon. Friend remember that he will have to cross north-west Kent ?
25 As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust
26 These can be deposited on textiles as the hydroxides or can combine with fatty acids to give metal soaps , which cause staining that is difficult to remove .
27 Following trade representations , Customs have now decided that there is little practical difference between the schemes and will accept that output tax is due only on the payment from the employee and any third party .
28 A second reason for measurements is the more theoretical , put by Love as " the discovery of numerical relations between the quantities that can be measured … to serve as a basis for the inductive determination of the form of the intrinsic energy function . "
29 Mill-designing architects and mill builders avoided any superfluous decoration , dispensing with the external rendering and cornices between the storeys that would have been demanded by classical precedent .
30 Word reached Peter Wheeler , the Leicester coach , of a young lad at Wakefield , a full-back , a slick-running full-back at that , who not only could kerplonk the ball like a metronome between the posts but could do it with either foot .
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