Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] have for " in BNC.

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1 This daily parade assumed for the bagnini something of the significance that the Changing of the Guard has for London 's tourist guides .
2 He doubts ‘ whether the significance which the certainty of the law has for the smooth and efficient working of economic life can be exaggerated ’ and suggests that ‘ there is probably no single factor which has contributed to the greater prosperity of the Western world compared with the Orient than the relative certainty of the law which in the West had early been achieved ’ .
3 This project has two foci : one examining the implications which Islamic conceptions of the state have for Middle Eastern politics , the other examining the implications these conceptions have for the substantial Muslim community now resident in Britain .
4 And there no reason , there is no worthy reason , there is no valid reason that you or I or any other person on the face of the earth has for rejecting Jesus Christ .
5 The bones of the arm had for the most part fused but fusion had not yet taken place between the radius and ulna , which would be expected to have occurred by the age of twenty-one .
6 As strange as it sounds , the great popularity of Hitler already before the war had for the most part little to do with fanatical belief in the central tenets of the Hitlerian racial-imperialist ‘ world-view ’ , and even less to do with belief in the Party , whose leader he was .
7 First of all , many people have been asking me on this programme in the past what credentials you people on the Council have for setting a budget .
8 His pleasure at the escape had for some reason given way now to even more sadness in the presence of the eagles that were still caged , as if the escape of one had intensified the sense of imprisonment of the others .
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