Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [subord] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The springs ' curative properties were well enough known to attract visitors from other provinces as well as several soldiers ; the latter raise the possibility that Bath was an official convalescent centre for the army as with some spas in Germany .
2 All went well for the outing until at one particularly reverent moment , the young son of the party stood on his seat and inquired with a loud voice : ‘ Dad , where are all the hypocrites ? ’
3 Immersion in water is less beneficial for the skin than for the woman , however .
4 On a view of the facts as a whole , and making every allowance both for the finding as to the intention of the plaintiffs and for the fact that the learned judge saw and heard the witnesses , which we have not , I conclude that the facts found by him were not sufficient in law to constitute adverse possession .
5 He will take action in the courts equally for the State as for the individual against any local authority acting ‘ ultra vires ’ , that is , beyond their powers .
6 East London was chosen for the pilot because of its high levels of unemployment and diversity of ethnic groups and because of the opportunities provided by financial deregulation and computerisation in the City ( the " Big Bang " ) and Docklands Development .
7 The business was able to carry on but the flat he sometimes used was uninhabitable ; he came up to London only on Tuesday nights and " camped out " for the fire-watching while for the rest of the time he commuted between London and Surrey .
8 Outside , Baker Street was closed down for the weekend except for the Barracuda Club , which had taken over from the original School Dinners restaurant after it moved across the road to usurp the No. 34 Wine Bar .
9 ( a ) There is usually no real way to be sure that the piece of equipment devised is adequate for the purpose unless of course it is a straight copy of an existing commercial model .
10 Eight Republicans , who had originally voted for the bill because of unemployment problems in their home states , joined all 57 Democrats to oppose the veto , but there were no additional crossovers in spite of the widespread recession .
11 Yorkshire Television , the independent broadcaster and programme maker , brightened shareholders ' screens yesterday with a full year 's pre-tax profits up from £15.64million to £18million and a dividend payout of 11.3p for the year as against 9.6p last time .
12 Phillip was chosen for the honour because of the natty suits he sometimes favours .
13 It is perhaps slightly easier for the writer than for the reader .
14 The Guidance says that where they intend " to limit the way in which a parent meets his responsibility this should be discussed with the parent and incorporated in the plan of arrangements for the child whilst in care so that it may be subject to periodic review " ( para 3.68 ) .
15 If , for example , the local authority is unable to find a suitable placement for the child because of a shortage of foster parents the court may decide that a care order is not to the child 's benefit despite the shortcomings of his own parents .
16 Leicester No 8 Dean Richards , a policeman based in Hinckley , is unavailable for the trip because of his work commitments .
17 When convertible debt is converted , the amount recognised in respect of the shares issued should be the amount of the liability for the debt as at the date of conversion .
18 When he asked about the lack of black faces , he was told that no blacks had qualified for the university because of the institution 's high standards .
19 Nevertheless , Debord 's place within a reified history of ‘ political modernism ’ is assured , more by virtue of what is claimed for the work than by its testing in public — Levin admits that screenings have been rare , especially outside France .
20 The latest item of aggravation comes from the traffic and drivers on the commuter rail line who have threatened to strike for the day because of the extra work caused by the opening of Disney station .
21 ‘ And I 'm doin' this just as much for the girl as for Malachi , ’ Father Devlin continued .
22 He had almost sent for the Headmaster because of all his questions .
23 It may well be that she considers China to be as much of a long-term complication for the West as for herself : too capricious to make a dependable ally for NATO , too ambitious to fit into America 's design for the Pacific , too shrewd to challenge vital Soviet interests .
24 You raise the possibility of a continuous loop presentation video : the idea is not a new one but has been put aside for the moment because of the high costs involved in making such an item .
25 This is more a problem for the Archive than for the end-user .
26 Have n't we been embroidering and stitching and preparing for the wedding since before the War ?
27 Zone I was in its way as much of a prison for the Commandant as for the eight hundred men to whom he played a vague mutation of God and Commissar .
28 ‘ Since Patsy 's murder there has been a sea change in attitude towards us by the military , ’ said Alec , a 45-year-old Catholic who has worked for the MoD since before the Troubles .
29 ‘ However , I do think that they are a breed more for the connoisseur than for the average dog owner . ’
30 The reverse of this policy was a Unionist proposal that all men in the armed forces should qualify for the franchise as of right .
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