Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The contrast between the enthusiasm for the Wehrmacht and the disdain for the Party was striking .
2 The bill for the damage when the Amoco Cadiz foundered off the coast of Brittany , before the compensation fund was set up , is still grinding through the courts , 12 years on .
3 Secondly , explanations of strategy that appeal only to external constraints do not allow for the possibility that a class may have a range of interests , not all of which can be satisfied by any single policy .
4 Even when allowance is made for a certain diversion of effort from new house-building to repair , and for the possibility that the average size of the houses built in 1947–9 is slightly above that of those built in 1934–8 , the contrast remains startling .
5 We must prepare ourselves for the possibility that the situation for homosexual women and men will also worsen in our own countries .
6 To allow for the possibility that the acceleration change arises from a change in load torque ( as distinct from a change in Switching angle ) , the trial disturbances in switching angle must be made in both the positive and negative senses .
7 Following NN we allow for the possibility that the higher the wage the more competition there will be for the job ( ceteris paribus ) and make this a function of w .
8 The time trend accounts for the effects of a constant natural rate of growth of output while VP allows for the possibility that the efficiency of the economy , and hence the natural level of output , is reduced by a variable inflation rate .
9 This is the price that an investor has to pay for the possibility that the share price may change to make the option in-the-money .
10 Moreover , even those studies where there does seem to be a clear relationship over a number of data points at different arousal levels ( e.g. Courts , 1942 ; Stennett , 1957 ; Bolanger & Feldman , described in Malmo 1959 ) can often be criticized for the possibility that the task used to induce arousal actually requires greater levels of attention at higher levels of arousal itself .
11 As for the possibility that the Orpheus and other mosaics from Withington might be the midway step of a distributed relationship ( between the former two and the latter ) — this , too , seems unlikely .
12 To know how to live for oneself and for the present when a choice involving sacrifice for others or the future does not arise will be indispensable to learning to make such choices in sufficient awareness .
13 Live for the present and the good things which are going to happen .
14 A teaching plan may be devised for the patient and the information needed may be given in short sessions so that the patient has time to absorb the information and ask questions .
15 He was an outstanding craftsman in wood , and the panelling for the organ and the Headmaster 's Chair are just two examples of his work .
16 The problem was too many men applying for too few places ; in 1895 , eighty-seven men passed the required examination for the ministry although the college still had only sixty places .
17 The competitive procurement policy of the Ministry of Defence has been good news not only for the Ministry and the taxpayer but for the yards .
18 This is probably the most satisfactory method for the landlord since the regularity of his cash flow will be maintained .
19 Example 2:16 Exceptions and reservations Excepting and reserving to the landlord : ( 1 ) Easement rights and privileges over the demised property corresponding to those expressly granted to the tenant over the other parts of the building ( 2 ) The right to build on develop deal with use any adjoining or neighbouring property retained by the landlord in such manner as he thinks fit even though the amenity of the demised property or the access of light or air thereto may be lessened thereby and without making any compensation to the tenant ( 3 ) The right at reasonable times and on reasonable notice ( except in emergency ) to enter the demised property for the purposes of ( i ) inspecting the condition and state of repair thereof ; ( ii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) for which the landlord or the tenant is liable under this lease ( iii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) to any property adjoining the demised property or to any party structure sewer drain or other thing used by the tenant in common with others ( iv ) measuring testing or valuing the demised property ( including the right to take samples of materials and to open up parts of the demised property which would otherwise be inaccessible ) but making good any damage caused by such an entry ( 4 ) The right for the landlord and the other tenants of the building to pass through the demised property in case of fire or other emergency Example 2:17 Definition of service pipes ' " service pipe " means any pipe , drain , sewer , flue , duct , gutter , wire , cable , optic fibre , conduit , channel or other means of passage or transmission of water , soil , gas , air , smoke , electricity , light , information or other matter and all ancillary equipment or structures
20 This period will of course depend upon the nature of the works being carried out and while the landlord will expect quite a long overrun period , it should be possible for the landlord and the tenant to agree a suitable long stop date .
21 1 Common parts The right for the Tenant and all persons expressly or by implication authorised by the Tenant ( in common with the Landlord and all other persons having a like right ) to use the Common Parts for all proper purposes in connection with the use and enjoyment of the Premises provided that the Landlord shall not be obliged to keep the malls and other pedestrian ways open [ to the general public ] earlier than [ one hour ] before the Shop Opening Hours or later than [ one hour ] after the Shop Opening Hours It will be for the landlord and the tenant to negotiate shop opening hours at the commencement of the term and which from the tenant 's point of view should be sufficient for the tenant to carry on its normal trade and business .
22 he came and asked for the duster and the polish
23 In April 1990 the PAICV ruling council agreed on a range of political reforms , including direct elections for the presidency and a multiparty system .
24 He seems mystified by the fact that , as he says , ‘ most people come here for the dancing and the music . ’
25 In Greaves [ 1987 ] The Times , 11 July , it was held that it was a question for the jury whether a gap of 17 days between burglary and handling meant that the accused was not the burglar and so could be convicted of handling .
26 Notwithstanding the difficulty in determining the exact meaning of the information defined in s.10 , it must be borne in mind that whether information comes within the scope of the section is a question of fact for the jury or the magistrates to decide .
27 A full and concise response ( together with an offer of compensation if appropriate ) will follow within the next 28 days unless we have been unable to investigate your claim fully within that time , in which case you will receive a detailed explanation for the delay and a full reply within 56 days from receipt of your initial correspondence .
28 ( Postwar austerity was blamed for the delay and the same reason caused the projected 1953 ‘ coronation pie ’ to be abandoned . )
29 Appeals can only be accepted outside the time limit if there are ‘ special reasons ’ for the delay and the case law on these is not particularly generous to claimants .
30 Ministers remain anxious that the Government could be brought under pressure to provide public funds , even though the Channel Tunnel Act expressly forbids the Government from providing any finance for the tunnel or the infrastructure needed to serve it .
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