Example sentences of "[prep] the [num ord] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 That means political unpopularity for the first and the wrath of the ERM for the second .
2 Information from the drink diaries , based on a comparison of the averages for the first and the last three weeks of the course , revealed a shift from high to moderate drinking levels for males , that is , from 40 to 32 units per week .
3 Harvey produced a key for the third and a red light came on over each lock .
4 Souness was still grumbling about the decisions that went against his team — the penalty that gave Coventry their first goal , the free-kick that led to their second , an offside flag that never came for the third and the sending off of Jamie Redknapp .
5 For however he acquired that money he must have acquired it , Wexford was certain , during the 19th or the 20th of May .
6 Various global tectonic models were proposed during the nineteenth and the first part of the twentieth century , with most attention being focused on the origin of the major mountain systems of the Earth 's surface .
7 Negotiations between Israel and Syria , about which there had been some optimism during the sixth and the first part of the seventh round , were largely unproductive .
8 The showery activity and strong winds eased during the 12th-14th as the offending depression drifted away northwards and a slight thaw was sufficient to help life return to normal on low ground .
9 Redford is much more richly represented in Mulliner 's book than anyone else , with Thomas Tallis ( c. 1505–1585 ) as the next and a younger man , William Blitheman ( c. 1525–1591 ) , third .
10 Between the mid-seventeenth and the mid-twentieth centuries there have been three discernible periods , each characterized by different patterns of sharing .
11 Thus practice and theory were often far apart , in this and in other ways , even in the classical feudalism , feudalism as it was known in the north of France between the ninth and the twelfth century .
12 Between the first and the second DPQ over three-quarters of the participants either reduced to ( 72 per cent ) or remained at ( six per cent ) a medium or low level of risk .
13 Overall , almost three-quarters of the participants either reduced their intake ( 61 per cent ) or remained at the same level ( 11 per cent ) between the first and the last three weeks of the course .
14 The method involves calculating two half-slopes : the left-hand half-slope is calculated between the first and the middle summary point , and the right-hand half-slope between the middle and the third point .
15 So a week or so may elapse between the first and the last eggs hatching .
16 It is not easy to distinguish between the first and the second categories : Reynolds could well have belonged to both .
17 The proportion of young people from classes I and II staying on at school until the age of 18 or later increased by 2.4 times between the first and the last cohort , while the corresponding proportions for the other two groups of classes are 2.3 and 2.1 times .
18 So the payment increased on average by 75% between the first and the second repetition , while the group payments rose from 93% to 108% ( of an individual payment ) between the first and second repetition clear evidence of a learning effect and slight evidence of a group effect .
19 Note the improvement ( though still to a high level ) in and the more modest improvement in between the first and the second repetitions .
20 What some writers now term the ‘ widening gap ’ between the rich and the poor , both within countries and between the First and the Third Worlds , might tempt us to subscribe pessimistically to the view that the countries of the Third World are passive victims of the exercise of First World hegemon countries ' power .
21 Gastroscopies ( 2–5 per patient ) had been performed with the interval between the first and the last endoscopy varying from 11 to 170 months .
22 Student 's t test was used to compare mean difference ( D ) between the first and the second biopsy labelling indices in relapsing and non-relapsing patients .
23 Worcester 's population doubled from 4,000 to 8,000 between the mid-sixteenth and the mid-seventeenth century , a rise that is explained equally by natural increase and by immigration .
24 The proliferation index was slightly lower with BrdU than with PCNA between the 20th and 42nd percentiles and higher between the 60th and the 80th percentile .
25 Such textiles as these are found on the Continent between the fifth and the eighth centuries .
26 His illness had to run its course to the crisis that would come any time between the fifth and the ninth day .
27 Most were simpering , mindless functionaries , plucked by their summoners from the In Ovo — the space between the Fifth and the Reconciled Dominions — like a lobster from a restaurant tank .
28 As we have said , Ireland , between the fifth and the seventh centuries , was a centre of learning and scholarship .
29 She read her books with an intense concentration — and she learned what Johnny had to do , and of the terrible odds that were stacked against him ; for as she , in her time , moved towards the middle of July , she knew that , for Johnny , it was August ; and in one of her books she learned that it was in August , between the 8th and the 15th , that the most heavily concentrated forces of enemy bombers had been sent against the military installations , and the ports and airfields of Britain .
30 Ultimately , however , Spain was a stepping-stone in the transmission and survival of Nazarean tradition , which continued its migration northwards , along the Atlantic perimeter of the Roman Church 's authority , until between the mid-fifth and the mid-seventh centuries it found its fullest European expression in the Celtic Church of Ireland .
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