Example sentences of "[prep] be set [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 A great adventure , a fitting enterprise for one who had known herself from infancy to be set apart for some rare destiny , and one that she had thought herself to have pursued courageously , successfully , with a redeeming love that had rescued even the anguished , complex , hostile Aaron , and had saved him from his wilder flights .
2 They want Community Homes to be set up for everyone under sixteen .
3 This is illustrated in the following drill using Spanish : This type of drill would have to be set up for each person , number , tense and verb class , and be thoroughly drilled in order to gain automatic control of the association of pronoun and verb ending .
4 Separate drills need to be set up for each noun class to learn its associated affixes .
5 A register of licensed auditors is to be set up for each member state .
6 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
7 Members of this house will recall that this matter was raised er in relation to an amendment er at committee stage and we argued during the committee stage of the bill that it was not feasible for an entirely new electoral system to be set up for the European elections in June nineteen ninety four and that it was er silly to apply a different system for the additional six seats to that applying to the other eighty one .
8 The candidates themselves may have to commit more time to the interview selection process ; the interviewers will have to ensure they leave enough time for discussion between themselves as well as making their own post-interview notes ; time will have to be set aside for the interviewers to meet and finalize their decision .
9 Tithes were simply proportional taxes levied on the output of the land and herds and used to support the Levites or to be set aside for the poor — widows , orphans , etc .
10 Compensating this apparent service cut for mentally ill patients was the fact that most of the capital to be set aside for the service developments would be devoted to building the replacement facilities in the community for the two psychiatric hospitals to close .
11 The cylinder index and any higher-level indexes : it is unlikely that any but the largest files will require more than one cylinder for these indexes , although a complete cylinder has often to be set aside for them , as is required by some manufacturers ' software .
12 A new pension scheme was to be set up after the sale of a business , and an actuary was to decide the portion of the funds from the old company 's pension scheme to be set aside for the new company 's scheme .
13 The site 's about to be developed by Tarmac Construction , but Thamesdown Media Arts wants part of it to be set aside for a museum , telling the story — the whole story — of those who worked there .
14 The court record will show the date by which the case is due to be set down for trial .
15 The master ordered the limitation issue to be set down for trial within 28 days , but it was not set down until ten months later .
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