Example sentences of "[prep] be take to the " in BNC.

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1 If someone dies in hospital , they may rest in the hospital mortuary , or the funeral director will arrange for the body to be taken to the chapel of rest .
2 Everyone has the right to a church funeral , and for the body to be taken to the church , but it is not necessary to have a service at a funeral whether it is a burial or a cremation .
3 We moved from the orchard taking the prisoners with us and leaving the wounded to be taken to the rear .
4 On the other hand agricultural land is fixed so that beasts and tools have to be taken to the fields and then off them .
5 ASOFTLY-SOFTLY approach is to be taken to the owners of one of Britain 's strangest threatened landscapes , the Clint-and-Gryke limestone pavements of the Yorkshire Dales .
6 The day was still dank and moist when I emerged , but I called a taxi from the rank outside , and asked to be taken to the ruins of Holford House , once the home of Mr Harvey-Beaumont .
7 Outside the church , I found a taxi rank , jumped in a taxi and asked to be taken to the village that gave County Louth its name .
8 Then we were requested to assemble in the lobby , ready to be taken to the Riverside Theatre for the opening public event .
9 He especially liked to be taken to the home of a couple , to sleep securely between them if they 'd let him , and then in the morning to ask them questions about their house , about the furniture which they 'd chosen together .
10 Usually , his penis is then packed in ice — and he may well have to be taken to the operating theatre to have the blood clot removed from inside it .
11 Maria kept asking to be taken to the theatre .
12 George and I were to be victims , I was to be taken to the top floor and George to the third floor up .
13 Need to be taken to the toilet at routine intervals , usually two-hourly .
14 She had fervently hoped to be taken to the sergeant with the kindly expression and ruddy cheeks , or one of the men in the trailer , but it was not to be .
15 ‘ I introduced myself to a senior police officer as an international terrorist who would like to be taken to the England dressing room .
16 As I passed what had been the marshalling yard and sidings , I glanced at the rows of rusting buffer stops and rotting wooden buffer beams , and conjured up a picture of its lines of laden coal wagons waiting to be despatched and the coal empties waiting to be taken to the collieries to be filled .
17 Hitler 's deputy , no less , baling out over Scotland then surrendering amiably to a farmer and demanding to be taken to the Duke of Hamilton .
18 He called the RAC once more and arranged for the car to be taken to the edge of Brighton .
19 It was ten minutes before the stretcher came , and then the prisoners parted and allowed this one from their number to be taken to the opened gates .
20 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
21 You went to work by yourself but you had to be taken to the hospital , and when I was on Martin it was right next door .
22 Ironically , the generosity of the IWA in guaranteeing funds to enable the question of the Rights of Way Act to be taken to the Court of Appeal seems to have resulted in many believing that the issue is only the concern of the ‘ powered boaters ’ .
23 Since you have the keys and I 'm a customer , I want to be taken to the vault , please , ’ she said in a loud , clear voice , her heart hammering with apprehension .
24 Limited diagnostic software is available for disk problems , but otherwise machines will have to be taken to the LTSS Glasgow office for diagnosis and estimating repair costs .
25 A couple of the members had to miss this on Sunday as Phil ( Sir Courtney ) had to be taken to the local hospital for stitches in his fingers .
26 ‘ I demand to be taken to the plush offices of a disreputable publicity manager , ’ Chico demanded .
27 My orders are for this skeleton to be taken to the Natural History Museum in London , where scientific tests will reveal more about its true nature .
28 He fell off some scaffolding and had to be taken to the studio surgery .
29 The address of Lowell 's cottage was n't known to her either , therefore the holdall would have to be taken to the home once shared by Lowell and Zoe .
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