Example sentences of "[prep] it [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Because Granby House was a listed building , the contractor eventually became exempt from this tax , but as he could not reclaim any VAT he had already paid to suppliers , he had to pass most of it on to the developer .
2 Paneth and Peters knew about palladium 's ability to absorb lots of hydrogen and they wondered whether packing so much of it in between the palladium atoms might increase the chance of the hydrogen atoms bumping into one another , thereby fusing and producing helium .
3 He also studied — between Helvoetfluys and the Brill — the production of madder , Rubia tinctorum , used in dyeing and ‘ took some minutes of it down upon the spot . ’
4 Then I decided to take some of it back to the shore with me .
5 But they have to send some of it back to the kitchen , uneaten .
6 We 've devolved the money to schools , but they 've got to spend most of it back with the council here .
7 Dean Mansfield says the ticket price is redeemable and he hopes to claim most of it back from the airline .
8 ‘ That must be why we have to stop the ceremony — to make sure he ca n't tap the mental energy of the congregation and use it to supplement the Old One 's autonomic functions enough to pull the rest of it out of the Vortex , ’ Ace finished , and sat back with a cheery grin .
9 Everywhere she went in the flat , she seemed to catch sight of it out of the corner of her eye .
10 ‘ There 's a lot of it about in the world .
11 ( f ) Airspace and underground It is a fundamental proposition that in the absence of indications to the contrary a conveyance of land includes not only everything on the surface but everything beneath it down to the centre of the earth and the space directly above ( Grigsby v Melville [ 1973 ] 3 All ER 455 ) .
12 You stepped down into it out of the street .
13 One of the glasses had fallen on to its side and a red stain had spread from it on to the tablecloth .
14 It is more realistic to compare the cumulative incidence at necropsy with the cumulative risk of detection of clinical cancer and the risk of dying from it up to the age of 75 .
15 Coun Williams added local disabled groups were consulted during the planning stage of the scheme and would benefit from it along with the elderly and parents with pushchairs .
16 Graft and corruption goes o throughout Italy , but it 's the extent of it and who was involved in it up to the Prime Minister that was the problem , but no I have no problems , John I know you 're trying to get on .
17 He turns off the engine , comes out of his car , walks round it on to the pavement , then tells us to turn and face the wall .
18 But if your item weighs a half a kilo , we 'll round it up to the first kilo so that 's any valid for fifteen pounds .
19 Brookhead Smith loaded the cabinet with the gramophone inside it on to the back of his cart , then he looked around the shed to see if there were any more records lying about .
20 11.4 In the case of termination by for 's default in payment of the Advance or royalties due under clause 5.1 , shall be entitled to retain any moneys already paid to it by under the terms of this Agreement .
21 The President would ( i ) submit to the Congress of People 's Deputies annual reports on the state of the country , and would brief the USSR Supreme Soviet " on the most important matters of the USSR 's domestic and foreign policy " ; ( ii ) propose to the USSR Supreme Soviet ( and subsequently to the Congress for confirmation ) candidates for the posts of the Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , Chair of the USSR Committee of People 's Control , Chair of the USSR Supreme Court , USSR Procurator General and USSR Chief State Arbiter , as well as recommend to the USSR Supreme Soviet and to the Congress the removal of these officials ( with the exception of the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court ) ; ( iii ) place before the USSR Supreme Soviet the question of forcing or of accepting the resignation of the USSR Council of Ministers , and would appoint and remove in conjunction with the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers members of that body ( subject to confirmation by the USSR Supreme Soviet ) ; ( iv ) sign USSR laws , being entitled within a period of no more than two weeks to refer a law and objections to it back to the USSR Supreme Soviet for further discussion and voting ( should the USSR Supreme Soviet confirm its earlier decision by a two-thirds majority in both its chambers the President would be obliged to sign the law ) ; ( v ) enjoy the right to suspend the operation of USSR Council of Ministers resolutions and instructions ; and ( vi ) propose to the Congress of People 's Deputies the dissolution and re-election of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the event of an irreconcilable dispute over legislation arising between that body 's two chambers .
22 The figures of the main characters of the Nativity are then placed on it along with the pots of cereals , now full of green sprouts which symbolize fertility and plenty for the coming year .
23 Indeed he was so far intent on this reference to visual reality that he strenuously advocated , not only in his teaching but in his own practice , a reliance on the camera , tracing a dependence on it back to the use of the camera lucida by Vermeer and Canaletto , as well as by Millett , Degas — and he might have added Monet — in more recent times , and adding the only proviso that , like alcohol , it is only permissible to those who can do without it .
24 As it crossed its own lines , a plane suddenly dived on it out of the early morning sun .
25 Well they go for it round to the erm cemetery .
26 The Commission criticized the government for delaying action on household waste management by passing responsibility for it on to the Environment Agency , which has not yet been set up .
27 Erm well it depends erm the , the economics of power production are extremely erm er complex and , and t to a certain extent arbitrary erm and erm I mean there , there are various ways that the government can actually get out of this fix because obviously it 's caused a lot of concern to close the , the mines , and one is actually to , to subsidize the mines and put the price on to electricity bills er the other is to subsidize the mines er but pay for it out of the , out of , er out of taxes so it 's a basic , instead of paying for it on your electricity bill , you pay for it on your tax bill , yeah .
28 However it ought to be possible to bring the reasons for it out into the light , and by doing so to show that whatever may be said of Tolkien 's view of reality , it was neither escapist nor thoughtless .
29 She turned swiftly , reaching out to grab the knob of the front door , preparing to wrench it open and make a run for it back to the safety of the village .
30 Erm , well it 's just a seminar about planning at the moment , I shall get further information about it on nearer the time , erm , a change in who would pay our , or get our VAT repayment claim from , does n't change an address basically , and er a request from Sam Stewart , whose erm a Counc , er a County Councillor , er something which I really ca n't actually erm help him with , he wants to know the whole of our Parish Council meetings date for nineteen ninety four , but I mean this is something we fix as we go along , so I really do n't think that I can help him by that , and I 'm sending him that , erm
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