Example sentences of "[prep] it [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would be insipid to say this book loves football , it does n't , it lusts after it with a taste for the perverse and the painful .
2 It 's worn well ; David must be looking after it with a coat of stop-rot now and then . ’
3 Although he has a large enough income to support them both , he puts most of it into a building society and also invests money in shares .
4 ‘ Gone are the days when we used to crumble half a ola of it into a chillim of tobacco . ’
5 He still stays in a church house and has converted part of it into a chapel , where he celebrates mass for 200 people every Sunday .
6 " Take as much lean of boiled ham as you please , and half the quantity of fat , cut it as thin as possible , beat it very fine in a mortar , with a little oiled butter , beaten mace , pepper and salt , pot part of it into a china pot , then beat the white part of a fowl with a very little seasoning ; it is to qualify the ham , put a lay of chicken , then one of ham , then chicken at the top , press it hard down , and when it is cold , pour clarified butter over it ; when you send it to the table cut out a thin slice in the form of half a diamond , and lay it round the edge of your pot . "
7 They formed a circle round him and he broke out of it into a gallop , tearing round and round the square in a high-spirited frenzy .
8 I poured 70 per cent of it into a glass representing the wages paid to those of us who work in the business , 20 per cent into a glass representing what was ploughed back by way of reinvestment in plant and machinery , 5 per cent into a glass representing dividends and 5 per cent into a glass representing tax .
9 " En vacances " was a short exercise which involved the location of information and incorporating some of it into a letter to be written in French , using a word processor .
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11 ‘ Think of it as a rest cure .
12 We can not escape the conclusion that many of those employed in the Service feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the organisation and management of it as a whole and that a gulf has grown up between the establishments in the field and the staff who work in them on the one hand and headquarters at the Home Office in London on the other .
13 And recently in April , when two young girls from one of the refugee camps in San Salvador were captured , we put their names across on the programme every day until they were eventually transferred from a secret prison to the Women 's prison , We regard it as a triumph to have got them into a public prison , although they are minors , and now we are demanding their release , of course we exhaust all the legal channels as well but these days we just think of it as a formality , There have been occasions when we have presented a Habeas Corpus petition to the Supreme Court of Justice and the official concerned has simply torn the paper up in front of us and told us to get out .
14 He has a vision of it as a vehicle which prepares us for the presence of God . ’
15 ‘ Well , I do n't think of it as a crusade , more a cleansing operation .
16 We identify a stretch of language as a text partly because it is presented to us as a text , and we therefore do our utmost to make sense of it as a unit , and partly because we perceive connections within and among its sentences .
17 The fact that he had written a large part of it after his marriage led him to think of it as a work quite different from the one he had originally envisaged.It was while engaged on it at Kensington Court Gardens that he added the more tender love scenes which provide its real poetry .
18 It 's more useful to think of it as a way of giving coherence and focus to the work of small groups .
19 It is tempting to think of it as a felt tendency , so that one is somehow aware of where the mind is going .
20 A user can only retrieve a module by quoting a package that already has a version of it as a member .
21 The only reference to that decision in Makanjuola 's case was Bingham L.J . 's description of it as a case where statements were made ‘ for a hybrid purpose ’ so that ‘ a different rule ’ applied .
22 If I start thinking of It as a person , entitled to a dignified end , the next thing will be of course that I have no right to end It at all .
23 I suppose I have always thought of it as a possibility but his actual decision to marry was a surprise . ’
24 Think of it as a subsidy for all that pure crap , I tell myself .
25 Hugh Stoddart says of it now : ‘ I thought of it as a film set in peacetime about the people who are the cannon fodder in wartime ’ .
26 I thought of it as a sanctuary , and something more as if there were some magic property in the room itself that would stop this happening , if only I could reach it .
27 Were you much aware of it as a child ?
28 Every now and then Nora took such opportunities to remind Sarah of her fortune ; she tried not to think of it as a kind of hudsoning .
29 So we did n't think much of it as a name at first but while Malcolm was away in the States , we somehow came round to it and decided to go with it .
30 He thinks of it as a link in ‘ the great chain of Being ’ , a medieval idea which survived into the eighteenth century ( see A. O. Lovejoy 's book of the same title ) .
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