Example sentences of "[prep] it [conj] [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 But the intention of practical English must be to ensure an understanding of what is read , not necessarily an appreciation of those aspects of it that would appeal especially to literary critics or literary historians .
2 Hank had no doubt that , sooner or later , old tabby-cats like the MacDonald woman would get wind of it and would give his mother hell about it .
3 The Head of Department then said that he considered that the criticism had been constructive , that he accepted most of it and would try out various changes .
4 so let's get rid of some of it and let's make the angle theta .
5 If I 'm going to spend several hundred pounds on an outfit , I make sure I get real value out of it and will wear it a lot .
6 Lucille herself never used her title , but she knew Sharpe was perversely proud of it and must have informed the Prince of its existence .
7 Restlessly Leith moved over to the window , but while the view from her room was quite exquisite , she saw nothing of it and could see only Naylor 's furious face as he accused her of leading Travis on .
8 Joan had thought of it and could understand Anne 's feelings .
9 The second problem with knitting too many rows of tuck is that if a needle is n't knitting ( and , when tucking , it is n't ) it pulls up the knitting on the needles either side of it and can prevent them knitting off correctly .
10 But the Rastas felt that the language was the African people 's own , that they should be proud of it and should set about improving it " ( 1986a : 44 ) .
11 At dinner a military band played ; the governor 's wife was ‘ a very agreeable woman , with an uncommonly mild and sweet tone of voice ’ , and the governor told Johnson and Boswell that ‘ the Arabs could live for five days without victuals , and subsist for three weeks on nothing else but the blood of their camels , who could lose so much of it as would suffice for that time , without being exhausted . ’
12 Occasionally this contrivance could overshadow the less congenial reality which lay behind it and could override the more mundane , everyday exploitation of work on the land , but this , given the conditions under which farm workers lived and worked , was only sporadically successful .
13 When we are handling a horse , especially a young one , we need to be careful that we do n't do anything with it that could become a bad habit .
14 But Miss Dallam would not only feel at ease with it but would look well in it too .
15 Anyone want to pick up the ball and run with it and would question whether it is considered necessary and does it give you sufficient guidance at strategic level ?
16 The semantic net does not have a particular linear version burnt into it and must distinguish different history subsections by giving them distinct names .
17 That 's why Max is totally into it and will go for it like a madman if he knows that the guys playing are good enough to get it .
18 It therefore seemed logical to press a little of every suitable plant in her garden and later to create a design from it that would remind her for many years to come of her treasured garden .
19 Please note that where an area is marked for cyclists ( as in Middle Meadow Walk ) pedestrians have not been physically excluded from it and may use it ; also children or dogs may run on to it unexpectedly .
20 You mean , it 's a fire exit so that 's the problem so you 're not gon na be able to leave anything in it that would obstruct .
21 Do n't heat up bottles of formula in the microwave — there might be hidden ‘ heat spots ’ in it that could burn your baby 's mouth .
22 If we can improve let's hom let's home in on it and let's improve it .
23 Teachers should be aware , particularly of that aspect , I think , because phonic method is very often used in schools , by which I mean that the teacher wil hold up a flash card , and on it would be a pair of letters , say , suppose for example sh the teacher will hold up a large card with sh on it and will say to the class ‘ this is shuss ’ and the children will all say shuss whenever this card is held up — that 's fine , but the dyslexic pupil may not be seeing sh in the same way that the other children are .
24 This lets you monitor the demand that there is for it and will provide a sound basis for decisions about the possible expansion of your video facilities in the future .
25 Potter paddled for it and could have made it .
26 He replied that he knew damn all about it but would swear it was .
27 If he heard anything he would not dream of doing anything about it but would go on gazing indifferently over the heads of his sheep .
28 So how would we find an outside correspondence for jealousy , a way of writing about it that would make it real for the reader , so real that it puts him/her in touch with his/her own jealousy ?
29 Think about it and let's have a proper talk .
30 ‘ You said I was too single-minded about it and should widen my interests , so I am .
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