Example sentences of "[prep] it [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You can claim back 80% of it each month from your NI contributions or tax payments .
2 And this maxim seems especially appropriate for the seed trade , in spite of it insatiable appetite for novelty .
3 Mr. Karsten submits that on the face of it that passage in the judgment of Lord Donaldson M.R. should be considered as obiter , but in any event he submits that it does not bear the meaning contended for by Mr. Wall .
4 Philip and she spent sixty pounds of it that afternoon on a secondhand gas boiler .
5 Without calling for one 's whole attention , it so persistently demands a small part of it that concentration on anything else is ruled out .
6 The Arts Council was thus the result of a political climate that favoured state intervention and support , with one of it principal exponents at the helm .
7 It 's not right they were out of it six months before then .
8 But Main Line contended it had reached a binding verbal agreement with Basinger , who was to have been paid £2m ( 3m dollars ) for six weeks ' work , and that she backed out of it four weeks before shooting was to begin in 1991 .
9 I found it hard to picture what kind of landscape those statistics might have shaped , until I opened the Ordnance Survey map to find half of it coloured green with a great blue stain in the centre .
10 It could be useful to remind Stuart Baxter of it some time in the future .
11 rest of it biggest part of it and some of , part if it 's in to grass and the other part I think is gradually gon na go to grass I think
12 Semantics is the study of meaning , and as such derives much of it theoretical inspiration from disciplines such as philosophy , psychology and linguistics .
13 The index at the back of Roget 's lists over 1000 words , each of which has indented underneath it another list of words .
14 He explained that the British envisaged that the union , having at its apex the European Council consisting of heads of government , would have beneath it distinct pillars of co-operation , with the Treaty of Rome and intergovernmental pillars representing respectively foreign and security policy co-operation and actions against drugs and terrorism overseen by interior and justice ministers .
15 Beyond the door was a slight recess blocked by a thick metal iron grille , and behind it four pairs of cruel red eyes gleamed in the darkness .
16 Behind it two men in singlets were serving drinks .
17 No army would advance into enemy territory and carelessly leave behind it important pockets of resistance .
18 Sitting with the curtains open and the moon shining in on the barely begun big glass , he wrote , sitting keeping vigil with it all night after my walk with Paz , I was afraid .
19 But I could make no sort of impression upon him … when I visited him a second time , the fear of death was gone , and with it all solicitude about religion . ’
20 It was not only the blow of failing to win power , and with it all hopes of a Scottish parliament , but also the fact that Labour lost votes and a seat in Scotland — facts which are conveniently forgotten when home-rulers and guardians of the party 's traditional totems blame failure in the south for Labour 's lack of achievement in the north .
21 Once in a while , however , mud from the ridge above slipped down in a turbid cloud , carrying with it all kinds of small creatures and dumped them there .
22 There is great dryness and with it great thirst for cold water .
23 As part of this a rather different kind of social survey emerged and with it new kinds of data .
24 Does the greater risk of brushing with the law among the poorer sections of society bring with it greater fear of the consequences ?
25 Another variant is the shorthold tenancy , created by the Housing Act 1980 , whereby the lessor and lessee agree to a fixed-term letting of a period not less than one and not more than five years certain , carrying with it automatic security of tenure for the period agreed .
26 In practice this approach to user education still predominates , but in the UK in particular the scope of user education for schoolchildren has been expanded so significantly , bringing with it substantial implications for user education in other sectors , that the emphasis here must be on the description and discussion of this recent work .
27 I wish only to make the point that I think it wrong that Opposition Members should seek to criticise my right hon. Friend the Member for Chingford , who has fairly raised a matter that carries with it considerable concern in all strata of society .
28 But jazz vocalism — and with it this kind of tension — has been a strong influence on popular singing , from Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra down to many recent performers .
29 Indeed , it shares with it some elements of decoration , e.g. a band of wavecrest pattern around the central roundel .
30 Few managers admit that boredom is a threat to the job but equally few would deny that being part of a pilot scheme or of being part of a trial run of new development can carry with it some air of excitement .
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