Example sentences of "[prep] a few [noun] ' " in BNC.

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31 It was only a vote in the Commons at 11 p.m. that brought the evening to an end and then she returned to Downing Street for a few hours ' work on her boxes before turning in .
32 I collect a dozen or so from the dewy grass in the early morning and set off for a few hours ' chubbing , knowing I am going to catch several fish , providing , of course , the weather and water conditions are favourable .
33 Finishing the script , I would leave it for the typist and go home for a few hours ' nap until rehearsal time at two o'clock .
34 Fifteen miles north , they put into St Abbs haven , under the mighty headland of that name , just before dawn , and went ashore for a few hours ' rest in a hay barn .
35 There was both their backgrounds — a boy taken from a bleak past into a glorious future by a dedicated schoolteacher — and furthermore this acting business got him off duty , paid him as much cash as a miner 's weekly wage for a few hours ' easy work and had a satisfying tint of glamour …
36 A last cup of coffee and I left ; back to H and T's in time for a few hours ' fitful sleep ; then up and away , run to the station by Aunt Antonia .
37 Detective Sergeant Burgess went off to report to his Superintendent , and Redpath , who 'd been on duty since midnight , decided to try for a few hours ' sleep .
38 This would force some leading figures , like Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown , to fight for a few minutes ' speaking time from the floor — or keep quiet .
39 K. Peacock , of Belgrave Terrace , Hurworth Place , Darlington , remembers the whole class stood for a few minutes ' silence when told the news at Queen Elizabeth Grammar School .
40 ‘ I think everyone is probably making far too much fuss , and Angela has just taken off for a few days ' holiday . ’
41 Miraculously , when invited for the Hunt Ball , he had asked if he might bring an old school friend who was staying with him , hiring horses for a few days ' hunting .
42 He and Sybil took off for a few weeks ' holiday before going back to London .
43 All those below were too busy and had not time to spare to comfort him with a few minutes ' companionship .
44 Even with a few days ' rehearsal it was an unnerving experience .
45 Backpackers must make adjustments — quite easy to do with a few days ' walking under your belt , not so simple when your planning trips in your living room .
46 A genuinely corinthian sailor who spurns sponsorship , she shoe-horns her racing and preparation into a few weeks ' annual holiday taken from London-based solicitors Farrers and Co .
47 The telegraph now allowed instantaneous communication with the farthest reaches o the empire , while the steamship brought everywhere in the world within a few weeks ' sail of home .
48 Apart from a few critics ' reservations about the strength of the show 's songs , the reviews saluted Crawford as the West End 's newest star .
49 Beside myself with rage , I crouched , shook my fist under his nose and yelled at him from a few inches ' range .
50 That person is a menace to everyone but he may well think that , in a few hours ' time , he 'll be back to normal and no harm will be done .
51 Some people expect that in a few decades ' time youngsters will learn from their home tutor computers and rarely , if ever , have contact with a human teacher .
52 He would be coming round to collect in a few minutes ' time .
53 It is absurd , every time we introduce another element of our policy , for him to leap on to the populist pitch and then , as he no doubt will in a few minutes ' time , find some detailed reasons for being opposed to it .
54 Our plan was to meet there in a few days ' time , once our researches in New York were concluded .
55 In a few days ' time the President of the Society for the Protection of the Selva Sur , David Ricalde , would tell me , ‘ Some of these naturalists , it 's not their fault but they do n't know their stuff .
56 In a few days ' time , perhaps sooner , he would die quietly of pneumonia , peacefully suffocating as the bloodstream slowed and the deprived lungs surrendered their function .
57 She will probably welcome your offer of help with such matters as the registration of the death , notifying distant friends , putting an announcement of death in local or national newspapers if she wants this , and dealing with kindly enquiries from neighbours in a tactful way , so that they understand that she may not be feeling like having too many callers at first but will greatly appreciate their help and sympathy in a few days ' ( or weeks , ) time ; and making arrangements for the funeral and any family gathering that is to take place afterwards .
58 The girls arrived at the Gare du Nord , as we will do , and then , as we will in a few days ' time , they made for the Gare de L'Est and the journey into central Europe .
59 This would on past experience coax the crocuses out in Hyde Park , only to be spiked by frost in a few days ' time .
60 However we agreed to visit Cedars together in a few days ' time .
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