Example sentences of "[prep] a time in the " in BNC.

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1 CAPRICORN — VERY few Capricorns have had a whale of a time in the past few years .
2 It 's a celebration of a time in the 30 's when to forget the depression , you put on your taps to go into your dance .
3 To be fair , these materials performed a useful function for a time in the propellers of Spitfires and similar aircraft .
4 The events associated with the prisoners ' rights movement that flourished for a time in the late 1960s and early 1970s in parts of the United States , Scandinavia and Britain had by the early 1980s largely disappeared without trace .
5 There is no broadcast equivalent to ‘ popular press ’ , though the term ‘ pop radio , was current for a time in the 1970s .
6 Courses at the London School of Economics , which became social anthropology 's chief centre in Great Britain ( and for a time in the world ) , began with the appointment in 1910 of C. G. Seligman .
7 At a time when only the Northumbrians , and then only for a time in the reign of Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , minted coins of pure silver , southern England experienced a decline in the quality of its sceattas .
8 On leaving school Herbert joined his father as an engineering apprentice , and also worked for a time in the mechanical engineering laboratories of the City and Guilds Technical College in Finchley , London .
9 The Arabic , for example , is ambiguous in respect of whether it is the copy or the itself that Yusuf Bali — who held the kadilik of Bursa for a time in the 840s-wrote ; and , on the evidence of the signature alone , it seems entirely possible that at some point , perhaps during his kadilik , he made a copy of the which Molla Husrev subsequently attested to be a true copy .
10 She was still sick at heart when she passed down through the last glade and found herself staring at the Lodge 's covert thatch , its closed door , She stood for a time in the yard outside , afraid to enter .
11 The costs of ruling an " empire " were high , but for a time in the 1760s the revenues of northern India were almost self-supporting , with no bullion being exported in 1767 – .
12 If Country Jacobitism had for a time in the early 1690s represented an alliance of disillusioned Whigs and Tories , it nevertheless ended up as a platform which drew support almost exclusively from Tories .
15 America is also represented by the legendary ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST .
16 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
17 We soon learned to give animals the right of way in the swamps , sitting for hours at a time in the dugout , watching elephants plod by .
18 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
19 Thereafter , warrants were issued for only two months , though they could be renewed for one month at a time in the case of those issued to the police , and six months at a time in the case of those issued to the security services .
20 New fairs have crowded the calendar at a time in the market cycle when there has been a sharp decline in the volume of business and in the enthusiasm of American collectors , in particular , to travel long distances to look at art which they do not want to buy .
21 Having to stop on every other move to bury one hand at a time in the confines of barely warm armpits made for rather a stilted ascent , but it was worth it .
22 Down there they will escape the buffetings of the storms to come and there too , where temperatures are much lower , their bodily process will slow down and so use less energy at a time in the year when there is little for these animals to eat .
23 The reason for such speculation comes from the need for a mechanism of generating BIFs at a time in the history of the Earth when the atmosphere may have contained only minute amounts of free oxygen .
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