Example sentences of "[prep] a point [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 The postulate put forward in this study is that the potential meaning of to before the infinitive is more abstract than that found in the spatial use of the preposition , and can be stated as follows : the possibility of a movement from a point in time conceived as a before-position to another point in time which marks the end-point of the movement and which represents an after-position with respect to the first .
2 Preceded by to the infinitive is felt to evoke an action referred to a point in time prior to its realization : ( la ) above situates call as being supposed to follow the existence of the obligation to realize this event , denoted by had .
3 But do you feel somebody wanted you to do that or has somebody just been watching the clock on the revivals and the clock 's ticked round to a point in time now ?
4 To consider that matter at a point of time when the child has been placed under protection for several weeks , first by a place of safety order and then by one or more interim care orders , would , as pointed out by Bush J. in M. v. Westminster City Council [ 1985 ] F.L.R. 325 , 340 , defeat the purpose of Parliament .
5 Narrative identification … is being rejected … at a point in time when gays can claim they still have not had it .
6 A going concern qualification on a company 's financial statements is , in effect , an assertion made at a point in time about the distribution of future cash flows associated with the bundle of assets that comprise that company .
7 A going concern qualification on a company is an assertion made at a point in time about the distribution of future cash flows associated with the bundle of assets that comprise that company
8 This is because the balance sheet is a record of the financial position of the company at a point in time , rather than a forecast of future events .
9 We saw that we can think about this on a stock basis at a point in time or on a flow basis per period of time .
10 Using the stock concept , at a point in time an investment project is profitable if the present value of net operating benefits the stream of future operating profits discounted at the interest rate at which firms must borrow funds — exceeds the initial purchase price of the new capital good .
11 The balance sheet provides a " static picture " of the financial position at a point in time ; the profit and loss account and source and application of funds statement show the flows which have occurred during the accounting period .
12 Profit is normally seen as a flow over time whereas wealth can be described as a stock at a point in time .
13 The basic distinction is that income is a flow and therefore is measured per unit of time , whereas wealth is a stock and is measured at a point in time .
14 Now , however , we can propose that the infinitive event with its internal spatial support ( intra-verbal person ) must be conceived as situated at a point in time beyond that at which its explicit actual support is located .
15 That is , the support of the finite verb is seen at a point in time from which the realization of the infinitive event by the person of the infinitive is viewed as a subsequent potential .
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