Example sentences of "[prep] the change in the " in BNC.

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1 The unit could take some credit then for the change in the supplementary benefit adjudication regulations that followed as a result .
2 Using transactions data for the MMI for 1986 , Swinnerton , Curcio and Bennett ( 1988 ) found that the change in futures prices over the last five minutes had some predictive power for the change in the index over the next five minutes .
3 In the case where there are unitary income elasticities , the existence of the distortion does not add extra terms to the expression for the change in the wage-rental ratio ( ) , but it does affect their interpretation .
4 So I support er the recommendation for the change in the er , Treasury Management Policy er statement , and I formally move this to be adopted by this Committee .
5 From the high-stemmed poop of a Genoese cog , a boy sang a hymn to the Virgin in thanksgiving for the change in the weather whilst sailors in a Greek galley chanted their prayer for mercy : ‘ Kyrie Eleison , Christe Eleison , Kyrie Eleison . ’
6 This factor also accounts for the changes in the shares of imports taken from the Soviet Union and the developing countries in these years .
7 The results of applying the market model to these data are shown in Fig. 6.7 , where the ex-post returns have been plotted against betas which have been adjusted for the changes in the cash holdings of the unit trusts : Ward and Saunders argue that these managerial decisions are particularly important in determining unit trust performance .
8 Dramatic as the change in the system was , its actual contribution to the royal war-effort in these years was less impressive .
9 The arithmetic return on a futures contract might be expressed as the change in the price of the future during the period ( F t +1 ; - F t ) , divided by the initial investment ( I t ) .
10 He then talked about the changes in the power blocs , adding that those like himself who had expected the coherence of Europe to develop strongly had found the reality ‘ disappointing ’ .
11 Mum told Mary about the changes in the arrangements but Mary was n't at all pleased .
12 Karen Sands , of the foundation , said that she had no particular worries about the changes in the short term .
13 Now our London art market correspondent talks to Christophe Lázar about the changes in the intervening months and Colnaghi 's plans for its Paris gallery .
14 I call that a restricted international perspective because it does not explain or attempt to explain how production is organized internationally and , to my mind , a theory can not do that unless it says something about the changes in the organization of labour that go along with innovations in machinery , transport , instruments and products .
15 What can this theory tell us about the changes in the UK economy 's international position in the structural changes of the 1970s/1980s ?
16 The Minister misses one essential point about the changes in the labour market .
17 Some of you have asked about the changes in the current training course We have been forced to cut initial training to four terms .
18 The dismay among field staff about the change in the character of the job was neatly reflected by a printed statement posted on the wall in one area office , which nicely contrasted bureaucratic sentiments with blunter language about practical realities :
19 Contrary to the claims of the TUC , only a minority of employers have expressed reservations about the change in the law that we propose to make .
20 Something is known of the physical nature of the change in the synapse .
21 A series of Land Acts shook the confidence of the landlords as they recognised in them a forewarning of the change in the ownership of Irish land .
22 Anne had learned of the change in the royal fortunes from her mother .
23 For Adorno and Horkheimer science becomes ideological because of the change in the relationship between humans and nature that accompanies it .
24 Oracle Corp has reported third quarter net profits up 73.9% at $29.2m on turnover that rose 27.8% at $370.1m ; net profit for the nine months fell 11.0% at $29.1m after a $43.5m charge for the cumulative effect of the change in the method of recognising revenues , on turnover that rose 25.9% at $1,030m .
25 The effect on TDC of the change in the employment pattern of the state when the oil boom failed has already been mentioned .
26 Net profit for the nine months fell 11.0% at $29.1m after a $43.5m charge for the cumulative effect of the change in the method of recognising revenues , on turnover that rose 25.9% at $1,030m .
27 Net profits were were $595m , which compares with net profit from operations of $556m in the 1991 first quarter , when the company of course reported a big loss because of the change in the method it used to account for employee benefits .
28 The smaller staff allowed them to move their headquarters to a building half the size , thus providing one more visual symbol of the change in the organizational culture .
29 As the figure shows , about three-quarters of the change in the number of elderly households would have occurred even if their household structure had remained unaltered .
30 Hence , the use of the change in the logarithm of prices implicitly assumes that F t is the sum invested .
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