Example sentences of "[prep] the same [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So called ’ Socialist ’ feminists , in true liberal style , fail to put forward a strategy to end capitalism , putting all their energies into the Labour Party who stand for the same redundant ideas which go nowhere towards real change .
2 The former was the obvious clash between Britain 's need for exports to pay her way in the post-war world and the requirement of the rearmament programme , both of which competed for the same scarce skills and resources of the metal-working industries to the detriment of the export trade .
3 Ford claims most are selling for enough over the MGFV to pay a deposit on a new Options car now for the same monthly payments .
4 One source is competition for the same neural mechanisms of motor ( including verbal ) output .
5 ‘ So for the same weekly payments any council tenant can start along the road to ownership .
6 To do this , we will start by describing two efficient tableaux reachable from each other by a single pivot as linked , if they are both optimal in LP ( w 1 , … , w p ) for the same positive weights .
7 For the same social reasons , she always made us listen to the Queen 's Christmas broadcast to the Commonwealth , after we had eaten the annual rabbit pie with suet crust .
8 There is competition for the same promising children , and it is a difficult decision for any parent to make a choice against the governing body of the sport .
9 In this study , this was achieved by examining the estimated kilometre square populations together with those which were reported for the same areal units in the 1971 Census of Population .
10 And it would seem similarly improbable , for the same statistical reasons , that two lines of evolution should converge on exactly the same endpoint from different starting points .
11 All the energy and drive which gave to that campaign so electric a character in the first weeks of this year must find outlets for the same fundamental objectives in new , and yet familiar channels .
12 The much smaller amount of work on older women represents them as in mourning for the same psychological characteristics .
13 ( 3 ) Where co-owners of an estate or interest in any land , … not being itself partnership property , are partners as to profits made by the use of that land or estate , and purchase other land or estate out of the profits to be used in like manner , the land or estate so purchased belongs to them , in the absence of an agreement to the contrary , not as partners but as co-owners for the same respective estates and interests as are held by them in the land or estate first mentioned at the date of the purchase .
14 But the anointing , which ye had received of him , abideth in you , and ye need not have any man teach you but as the same anointed teachers you all things , and is truth and is no lie and even as it have taught you , ye shall abide in him .
15 The other pay-off with the diesel engine is between the same high levels of NOx and the fuel efficiency ; if you reduce the NOx level , there is a commensurate improvement in fuel economy .
16 Do n't you contribute to this picture of Dudley Moore by continuing to talk about the same old things ?
17 While pluralists and elite theorists might dispute that an analysis of power should start researchers collect by observation numerous pieces of evidence about the same observable relationships and phenomena in society .
18 I always have to talk about the same damned things
19 After the same fucking crooks .
20 On the contrary , the child imagines that only unworthy female persons have thus sacrificed their genital organ , such persons as have probably been guilty of the same forbidden impulses as he himself .
21 The less differentiated , and more traditional , habitus perceives works of art in terms of the same visual classifications of every-day life .
22 Now , in 1922 , some of the same rich peasants were making a reappearance together with newly prosperous ones .
23 ‘ Out of the same racist experiences have come Richard Pryor , Eddie Murphy , Lenny Henry , because we as black people have always used comedy as a liberating force ’
24 The difference between the arm and leg is thus due to the different interpretation by the cells of the same positional signals .
25 Separate aliquots of the same mucosal homogenates were assayed for peptic activity after being exposed to pH 8.0 by alkalinisation using 1N NaOH .
26 Limited liability , therefore , still provides effective protection , and there is an obligation to ensure that this benefit to the proprietor is matched by the maintenance of the same minimum standards of fair play towards the users of accounts , whether lenders , creditors , the Inland Revenue , Customs & Excise or minority shareholders — generically ‘ The Public Interest ’ .
27 Often , of course , these were different forms of the same general relations , though the latter can not be reduced to the former , in all or even a majority of cases .
28 Organic molecules , some of them of the same general types as are normally only found in living things , have spontaneously assembled themselves in these flasks .
29 Do you find that erm the likes of yourself and your workmates do you have a lot of kind of views in common and things , do you think that you 're maybe kind of the same political persuasions or whatever ?
30 Out of the contemporary turmoil of Hindu tradition Rabindranath Tagore wrote of the same mysterious sources of renewal : I thought that my voyage had come to its end at the last limit of my power — that the path before me was closed , that provisions were exhausted and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity .
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