Example sentences of "[prep] the high [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Timetables have not yet been adjusted for the higher performance of the Class 158s and the journey time to London remains at about 5 hours .
2 Signora Puglia was convinced that with more lessons I could take the examination for the higher school in Parma , the Scuola Media .
3 However , having started back at the club it has become apparent that the club has no intention of coaching last season 's players to highlight weaknesses and prepare them for the higher level of rugby .
4 The British public was not prepared either to pay for the higher cost of the non-marketed sector through higher taxation rates .
5 As it turned out , the time zone advantage was insufficient to compensate traders for the higher cost of doing business in LIFFE 's less liquid markets , so the bulk of the global business has thus remained in the USA .
6 These US estimates tend to emphasize direct rather than opportunity costs , partly reflecting the lower level of welfare support especially for the higher education of children .
7 This institution for the higher education of deaf students in Washington DC was at that time unique in the world and has remained so since its inauguration in 1864 .
8 but provision for the higher education of eligible members of the deaf community has never been achieved .
9 In Ireland she heartened the embryonic movement for the higher education of women by personally securing the involvement in it of the Roman Catholic convent-school nuns .
10 If your employee was employed by you for a continuous period of at least two calendar years into the qualifying week and normally worked 16 hours or more a week , she is eligible for the higher rate of SMP .
11 The relative attributable risks for Maori children compared with non-Maori children were 57% for the higher rate of maternal smoking and 22% for the higher rate of bed sharing .
12 The relative attributable risks for Maori children compared with non-Maori children were 57% for the higher rate of maternal smoking and 22% for the higher rate of bed sharing .
13 Consistency suggests placing assessments of upwards of £300 , comprising the very rich , in a separate category , as the base point for the higher rate of 133 per cent in the loan of 1522 , making a total liability of 28⅝ per cent .
14 Erm you will also in going for the higher end of the range , er be prejudicing the urban regeneration objectives of those neighbouring districts .
15 The co-existence of opposite feelings experienced by a spectator during a performance of tragedy is shared by the tragic artist himself Despite the pleasure he finds in appearances , he negates it for the higher satisfaction of their destruction .
16 By measuring H pylori antibody titres in serum samples collected and stored between 1969 and 1990 , we aimed at describing the pattern of acquisition of H pylori infection over a 21 year period in an adult population and thereby to determine the explanation for the higher prevalence of H pylori antibody with increasing age found in Western society .
17 Similarly , tubular obstruction secondary to renal parenchymal disorganisation may account for the higher prevalence in patients with renal and urinary tract disease .
18 Not everyone wants to pay for the highest level of service available , so clients can select the level of service they require .
19 His work was crucial to the initial break into the German enciphered teleprinter systems used for the highest level of German services communications .
20 Instead , he proposed a package which provided for the highest degree of democratization permitted under the Basic Law , the colony 's Constitution which had been approved by China in 1990 .
21 Jonathan Tan , a sixthform student at Manchester Grammar School , won the 1991 RSC award for the highest mark in the GCE A-level chemistry examination set by the JMB .
22 He lowered the threshold for the highest rate of income tax in real terms , but otherwise the budget hardly changed the income-tax system .
23 During the first half of the fifteenth century , for example , though slaves had come to man a large part of the standing army and to hold the lesser vezirliks , it was only after the conquest of Istanbul and the consequent fall of the Grand Vezir Candarli Halil Pasa that it became more or less regular practice for the highest office of the central administration , that of Grand Vezir , to be held by men of slave origin .
24 It was this alleged inability to set the record straight which increasingly became the central focus of Republican attacks on the degree to which Clinton 's character was suitable for the highest office in the country .
25 His 25 League goals in 1960–61 put him as runner-up to Johnny Byrne in that promotion season and he remains only behind Byrne 's figure of 30 for the highest number of strikes in a post-war League season of up to 46 games .
26 If I get a decent vote I intend going to the Guinness Book of Records for the highest number of votes for the smallest expenditure . ’
27 Top cash are on offer to professional and amateur players with £150 added for the highest break in the competition by bookmaker Joe Suckling .
28 Yet Iago suddenly wheeled his pony again , and made for the highest point of the ridge , where he could look back over the valley , and see as far as the scattered outer copses and the rim of the forest .
29 Members of the LASMO exploration department in Yemen made tracks for the highest spot for miles around in order to celebrate a highspot in the local social calendar .
30 ‘ Brighty ’ earned the Golden Boot award for the highest scorer in Division Two in 1987–88 , in which he hit 24 goals , and his efforts in the following promotion term , in which he played in every match , took him into the select group of men who have netted over 50 League goals for our club .
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