Example sentences of "[prep] the right time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ I have been waiting for the last three years for an opportunity like this and I see it as the right time in my career to take it .
2 Under the Mental Health Act 1959 patients maintained on guardianship orders knew that drug treatment could be enforced and therefore appeared regularly for depot injection on the right day and at the right time without pressure or demur .
3 Earlier that year he had met a merchant from London who had money to spare and was looking for a likely speculation and Harry , being in the right place at the right time for once , had sold him the idea of investing in a privateering cruise to the Americas .
4 Sometimes Julia accompanied her , and as they travelled home one day Carrie said thoughtfully , ‘ You know I never wished Ma dead , Julie , but I 've got to admit her death came at the right time for me .
5 Erm the pressures in the E C at the moment , I think , would be better handled if as nations come , en democratically , economically , erm they come into the E C , not perhaps at the right time for those that are inside , because that might be too late frankly , but but they 're not pushed into the E C en bloc , too early .
6 In life , the right man to love hardly ever comes at the right time for loving .
7 Their rooms at the Royal Albion Hotel were just a few doors from each other and it was Ken 's job to see that she always had her mug of cocoa before going to bed — and indeed that she was warmly tucked up at the right time for a lady of her years and responsibilities .
8 ( i ) to secure that the right land is available at the right time for the implementation of national , regional and local plans :
9 Basler have a knack of being in the right place at the right time for acquiring military disposals , their ramp is currently full for former Canadian Armed Forces Daks , awaiting their turn for conversion .
10 They 're the people who press all the buttons to make sure that Central 's programmes , commercials and trailers are in the right place at the right time for you to watch .
11 We work with about 60 women a year , and I know many of them would genuinely say that at the start they were unemployable , that they could have gone back to drugs , ended up back in prison , but they did n't because Clean Break was there at the right time for them , to give them the opportunities they needed .
12 THE recovery in the housing market has come just at the right time for CALA , the Scottish house-builder , which saw interim losses nearly double to £2.85 million .
13 The white burst into real form at the right time for the cup .
14 A lot of the work in this field is logistical : getting the right people to the right place at the right time with the right equipment .
15 3 To ensure the patient is correctly prepared for theatre at the right time with the documentation complete .
16 Only at the right time with the right leader and the right audience can strategy become vision and leadership become visionary .
17 Many neglected hedge species respond to hard pruning at the right time of year , and will quickly produce a thicket of new growth .
18 So Bartle may have been a corn spirit , christianised to become St Bartholomew whose day falls at the right time of year , or even a former village priest as has been suggested .
19 Do you feel that it 's pointing the right way , bringing the sun in through the right windows at the right time of day ?
20 It would , for example , be no defence for the seller to say that his farm fertiliser was perfectly safe and effective when applied in the right concentration ( at the right time of the year ) if the instructions supplied with the fertiliser stated in error the wrong concentration , whether too weak to be effective or so strong as to kill the crops .
21 Another angle on psychological differences between blacks and whites is given by Worthy and Markle who argue that white sportsmen do better at self-paced activities , ‘ ones in which the individual responds , when he chooses , to a relatively static or unchanging stimulus ’ , whereas blacks have an edge in reactive activities , ‘ in which the individual must respond appropriately and at the right time to changes in the stimulus situation ’ ( 1970 ) .
22 InConcert automatically prompts and tracks all tasks in the workflow process to locate the right documents and software tools for each step of a project and deliver them at the right time to the right people .
23 The television department in an advertising agency is responsible for the process of turning the creative team 's ideas , scripts and storyboards into finished TV or radio commercials and ensuring these appear on the right channel at the right time on the right day .
24 I was just to present myself at the right time on the due date , when he would honour his promise to see me .
25 It is quite possible , he wrote , that it will lead nowhere , even when one has begun at the right time in the right spirit , or at least not at the wrong time , in the wrong spirit , with the wrong plans and having made the wrong preparations , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception .
26 The trend towards milder winters is beginning to concern horticulturists. many trees need lengthy cold spells if they are to open their buds at the right time in spring , and research on the Continent confirms that apple trees will be confused by the changing climate .
27 Yet on the other hand , for the counsellor to be too conscious of saying the right thing at the right time in every situation represents a state of mind that can only hamper the counselling process .
28 Good advertising communicates the right message to the right people at the right time in a way that will interest or amuse them , but above all make them want to buy the product , service , or even " idea " .
29 He was fortunate in that he had the right doctor at the right time in the right so hospital
30 ‘ It 's the right budget at the right time from the right Chancellor ! ’ he said , apparently to suggest Mr Lamont will remain in office through the next Cabinet reshuffle , and almost certainly the one after that .
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