Example sentences of "[prep] the few [noun pl] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 As the few survivors brought word of the defeat back to Ulthuan , panic back to spread among the High Elves .
2 Apart from union complaints about the few jobs generated , there is little sign that the much vaunted investments in high technology are pulling the French out of recession , once a basic tenet of the Chevenement philosophy .
3 One of the few collectors dedicated enough to go for the company context is Peter Card , whose collection of 400 old bicycle lamps is without equal .
4 Two of the few consultants lost were Michel Carre and Georges Orban , who went on successfully to form their own firm , Carre Orban .
5 Dated to the second half of the second century , it seems to have been a tannery and leather workshop , and is not only one of the few reliable instances yet found for this industry , but is also one of the few industries attested at Alcester .
6 Although H pylori infection was associated with decreased acid secretion rates in the few subjects studied , serum gastrin concentrations surprsingly did not differ between H pylori positive and H pylori negative sugjects .
7 She smiled at the few women clustered at the counter and acknowledged their somewhat surprised greetings , and was enormously grateful to Frank Green , the owner , for treating her as if she were a regular and valued customer instead of a virtual stranger .
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