Example sentences of "[prep] the few [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The holiday camps are held separately for the different sexes , mirroring the gender segregation that occurs in the majority of Northern Ireland 's schools , but another form of segregation in schooling which is not reproduced is that of religion , for the few Catholic schools that exist in the Easton area nominate participants .
2 They can not then use that small amount for the few personal items that they may want to buy when they are in residential homes .
3 Yes , most people pay to come to NCT classes , and excellent value they are too , for the few thousand parents we manage to teach each year .
4 ‘ And I hope we 're both mature enough to treat each other with civility and respect for the few remaining days we 're forced to spend together . ’
5 For the few unreconstructed opponents of any sort of National Curriculum , still less one which is legislated , there have been two principal objections .
6 For the few brief minutes when the shelling ceased the scene before us looked very peaceful .
7 There 's no supplement for the few single rooms available in some resorts , but they are soon filled .
8 ‘ Until we can get enough food through to stop people starving to death , you wo n't be able to stop those who are prepared to kill for the few precious supplies , ’ said Julian .
9 In fact , even the Japanese language version of these is worth a look , if only for the few English words that remain obstinately untranslatable and stick out glaringly among the elegant Japanese characters .
10 We used to do any typing that was needed for the Aurae Phiala publications , and for the few little books and articles Stephen occasionally produced .
11 Even so , she had tied her hair back and simply slammed it on top of her head , If it had n't been for the few feminine wisps that escaped to frame that beautiful face she would have looked forbidding .
12 Opposition Members would welcome the opportunity to debate Government and Opposition policies during the general election campaign , but , given that the Prime Minister does not have the guts to call an election , can you please ensure that , during the few remaining weeks of the Government 's period of office , Prime Minister 's Question Time will be used to ask the Prime Minister questions about Government policy ?
13 There he practised as a coal and mineral surveyor , particularly for the Duchy of Cornwall , during the few difficult years before his death .
14 In ( 79 ) it is not just the action itself which is asserted : ( 79 ) He had a singular red cap on — not like a sailor 's cap , but of a finer colour ; and as the few yielding planks between him and destruction rolled and bulged , and his anticipative death-knell rung , he was seen by all of us to wave it .
15 Frantic consultations were held between the few surviving princes , the Chief Priest of the Shrine of Asuryan and the Captain of the Phoenix Guard .
16 This may be contrasted with the markets for cigarettes and spirits , where overall consumer demand is unlikely to expand significantly and collaboration between the few major suppliers is likely to have a direct effect on competition and on the flow of inter-state trade .
17 BONN — As the net of restrictions which prevents East Germans leaving their country grows tighter , the flow of refugees through the few remaining gaps continues steadily , writes Patricia Clough .
18 Their hoods are manufactured from non-toxic plastic and the do-it-yourself model is one of the few simple hoods available which will accept two fluorescent tube fittings .
19 One of the few small numbers this month !
20 Obviously , when sport offers itself as one of the few accessible routes away from deprivation , as it was to the early slaves , it takes on an attractive quality .
21 Still if you already have a spreadsheet machine adding a coprocessor is one of the few easy things that you can do to speed it up .
22 The infrared region of the spectrum is used to determine molecular structures via their vibrational modes , and this is one of the few surface-sensitive techniques that does not need an ultra-high vacuum .
23 Asthma is an increasing worry because it 's one of the few Western diseases that is becoming more frequent and severe .
24 One of the few creditable responses of the outside world in this dismal war has been the provision of food and medical help .
25 If you are one of the few forgetful members who have not renewed for 1986 , it is not too late — Hilda will be delighted to hear from you .
26 This rationalist approach is overtly expressed in Fowler 's statement that ‘ The proper excellence of architecture is that which results from its suitableness to the occasion … and this principle rightly pursued leads to originality without the affection of novelty ; but … the present enlightened epoch in architecture is woefully distinguished as having no character of its own nor any pretensions beyond that of adopting the various styles that have prevailed in all ages and nations without regard to the difference of circumstances upon which they were founded ’ ; while the critic J. C. Loudon [ q.v. ] described him as ‘ one of the few modern architects who belong to the School of Reason and who design buildings on fundamental principles instead of antiquated rules and precedents ’ .
27 She is also one of the few Labour frontbenchers with ministerial experience , having been a junior Education Minister .
28 Some of the few inspiring things in the whole gallery come from the 1951 Festival Of Britain exhibition .
29 Jill , charged to find the oldest building in town , located one of the few pre-earthquake buildings in downtown Jackson Square , part of the financial district .
30 One of the few salutary notes in the debate was provided by the Labour Party spokesman , Roy Jenkins ( who was to become President of the EEC Commission in the late 1970s ) , who said ,
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