Example sentences of "[prep] the two [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 That deal , valued at £700,000 , was registered too late for the two players to be available tonight .
2 A letter of intent also calls for the two firms to cross-license and resell each other 's products .
3 A practical solution is for the two functions to be jointly responsible , within the constraints of the corporate plan , for product specification , negotiating with each other until an acceptable compromise is reached .
4 It may thus be difficult for the two schemes to be made compatible .
5 But the overlap in time and content makes it most convenient for the two groups to be discussed together .
6 This brought the West Indian 's aggregate for the two matches to 181 without being dismissed and it enabled his side to seal their second impressive nine-wicket win .
7 It 's calling for the two men to be released on bail immediately .
8 The targets for Companies House for the two years to April 1991 were as follows ( Cm. 1261 ) :
9 For the two bodies to be declared as interfering it is sufficient to find only that any surface of one body has an intersection with any of the surfaces of the second , within their boundaries ( including holes ) .
10 Here there are many opportunities for the two individuals to be mapped into different roles .
11 Paul Mies , in an article of 1958 , similarly ascribed the differences between the two signs to the Schreibfaktor ( ‘ writing factor ’ ) .
12 Passenger traffic was never profitable , but it was a link between the two towns to be used by the sparse population as and when required .
13 On Feb. 27 , 1990 , Akbulut paid an official visit to Iran following which an agreement was signed on March 1 to double bilateral trade between the two countries to $2,000 million .
14 President Zaid bin Sultan al-Nahayan ( the ruler of Abu Dhabi ) visited Oman on May 1-4 for talks with Oman 's ruler Sultan Qaboos bin Said , during which they agreed to raise diplomatic representation between the two countries to ambassadorial level .
15 By the end of the month fighting between the two factions to the north and west of Monrovia resulted in more than 1,500 deaths , including that of an International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) worker and an ECOMOG ( ECOWAS Monitoring Group ) soldier .
16 While crime is frequently a major area of the study of deviance the relationship between the two needs to be made clear .
17 An interesting example of the choices made for this first volume is between the two poems to Octavia on the subject of marriage .
18 The ambush had taken place in the southern front area , where an exchange of fire between the two sides to the conflict took place on March 13 , with each country accusing the other of opening fire .
19 The resolution was on the same lines as that put forward on Oct. 23 by the UN Special Committee on the Implementation of the Declaration on Decolonization , which expressed its " conviction that the pursuit of a direct dialogue between the two parties to the conflict naturally contributed to the ( peace ) process ' .
20 In neither case does the category of goods seem likely to affect the reasonableness of any exclusions of liability to be agreed as between the two parties to the relevant contract .
21 The readiness of the ILP to cooperate with the Communists did not lessen the tension between the two parties to any important extent .
22 These are tensioned in the ‘ down ’ position by an elastic or bungee , one end of which is hooked on the bowsprit , and the other linked to a trip line which runs through the two sails to the slotted tube at the rear , where it is retained by the release pin .
23 The hon. Gentleman should bear in mind that each of the two cases to which he has referred was decided by the trial judge on the basis of medical evidence , including independent medical evidence .
24 Mr Sawar had acted as surety for the two companies when they borrowed from BCCI and he had , in December 1985 , charged the sum of £300,000 standing to his credit with BCCI with payment of the debts of the two companies to BCCI .
25 ‘ I trust there 'll be an enquiry as to whether or not the boiler was faulty ? ’ asked David , as he assisted one of the two casualties to her feet .
26 Sol Berer , the company 's senior vice-president , said that more than 75 per cent of pharmaceutical companies with chiral drugs were now taking only one of the two isomers to the market .
27 The trial ended on July 15 with the sentencing of the two leaders to 12 years in prison .
28 It is not possible for all the functions of the two desks to be done at one desk in reception .
29 It is important to note here that its terms of reference precluded any consideration of the moral basis of either of the two areas to be investigated .
30 Indeed , its swastika patterning matches that of the two canthari to the " top left " and " top right " .
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