Example sentences of "[prep] order [to-vb] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 In a studio situation , I think I would choose to use both DI and an ambient microphone , in order to access the best of both worlds .
2 When a worker is on piece work , it is even more difficult because concentration is required for the job in order to earn the best return .
3 Once again the lower animals were treated as immature versions of the human race , with the growth of the human embryo recapitulating all the stages through which life had passed in order to reach the highest level of development .
4 The vertical scale has been enlarged out of proportion in order to emphasise the steepest gradients .
5 The owners evidently believed that the union was exaggerating the seriousness of the Liverpool situation in order to extract the best possible terms .
6 Of course it is true that sometimes humans have to intervene in order to prevent the worst from happening — almost always the result of previous human intervention .
7 The declaration appeared to have enormous implications for the future state structure and division of powers within the Soviet Union , but had been significantly watered down since its submission in draft form , in order to satisfy the broadest range of deputies from conservative hardliners to radical reformers ( there were no fewer than 27 factions within the Congress ) .
8 HOT STUFF tells the story of ballroom dancing wimp Joe Soap who sells his soul to the devil , Lucy Fur , in order to become the biggest rock star the world has ever seen .
9 Does he agree that the liquidators and other representatives should study every proposal and option in order to secure the best possible deal for depositors , creditors and former members of staff ?
10 They queued for hours in order to secure the cheapest standing places in the loggionni , the back part of the gallery .
11 In order to strike the best possible bargain on setting-day the men might invent stories of difficulty and adverse conditions .
12 Closer collaboration with the United States would reduce costs in weapon development , and enable Britain to be more selective in the projects she chose to pursue by herself in order to maintain the greatest measure of national independence .
13 Since this situation is likely to continue for the foreseeable future , professional social workers and social work educators need to modify their profession-centred view of service provision in order to make the best use of available personnel .
14 In order to make the best use of available space , the kitchen has a peninsula which provides an extra worksurface .
15 In order to make the best of a case at this stage most claimants will need advice and assistance because preparing a case for appeal involves three tasks : establishing the facts of the case , understanding the applicable legal rules and integrating facts and law in a well-constructed argument which includes meeting the reasons put forward by the adjudication officer for denying the claim .
16 The Research Councils , through the Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) have commissioned a number of studies of research policy , in order to determine the best measures for the objective assessment of research productivity , and those carried out by the Science Policy Research Unit ( SPRU ) at Sussex University have been fundamental in reviewing existing measures , and suggesting new indicators which may be used singly or in combination .
17 It requires an analytical and reasonably numerate mind to develop cost-effective plans ; it requires a rapport with the creative group to achieve the best match of material and medium ; it requires aggressive negotiating skills in order to achieve the best possible positions and discounts , so as to make the maximum use of the client 's money ; and it requires a great attention to detail .
18 Regression was used in order to find the best straight line .
19 Or you might be a musician , an actor , a dancer , a singer or a sports person who relies on functioning to peak efficiency in order to obtain the best results .
20 In order to obtain the best price ( if this is the prime objective ) a full researched contact list should be undertaken .
21 Now what should you , the client , do in order to obtain the best results from a recruitment company .
22 The more varied or diversified the business of the client , and the larger the amount of insurance to be placed , the more likely it is that he will look around the market for himself in order to obtain the best terms .
23 It is necessary for prospective purchasers to undertake detailed market research and a site investigation , and to prepare a feasibility study in order to identify the highest value that may safely be put on the site .
24 Two years later she began using Bernard Berenson as her buyer of Italian old masters , although it might be said that Berenson was using her , praising each new find in breathless superlatives in order to get the best price out of his patroness .
25 In order to get the best results from the new seeds , technology in the form of machinery , chemical products and fertilisers , was necessary and therefore capital was required to purchase these .
26 When this is done , there has to be negotiation , in order to get the best possible deal , in terms of the positions of the ads and the discounts or special prices that can be obtained .
27 The view taken was that in order to get the best allocation of investible resources between public and private industries , the discount rate used in the public sector should be similar to the return which private firms would consider acceptable on new investment … it seemed sensible to set a rate for public enterprises which corresponds broadly with that sought by large private firms of good standing engaged in low-risk business .
28 In order to get the best possible performance from a direct file , information is required .
29 It is also important that the teacher is quite familiar with the electronic equipment he is using in order to get the best results from his efforts .
30 The Inch Loss Plan Diet is slightly stricter than the Hip and Thigh Diet in order to get the greatest benefit in just one month .
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