Example sentences of "[prep] any time in [art] " in BNC.

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1 He certainly never talked about any time in the forces .
2 The company is now looking at a future that is brighter than for any time in the past 20 years .
3 To summarise so far : a ) False sensations or sensory illusions may occur at any time in a pilot 's career and in fact commonly do occur in the normal course of events .
4 RESTORE can be used at any time in a program to set the line where DATA is read from .
5 That did n't happen on 30 June 1989 and it wo n't happen at any time in the future if the Army Catering Corps has anything to do with it !
6 A regular survey carried out by IFO , a research institute , shows that business confidence has slipped slightly in recent months , but it still remains far higher than at any time in the 1980s .
7 French retail sales fell by 3.6% in the year to November , while business confidence has fallen more sharply in the past two quarters than at any time in the 1980s .
8 Freed from restrictions about who to lend to or how much to pay to depositors , and freed from the responsibility of supporting their corporate clients through thin times , American and British commercial banks are weaker than at any time in the past 50 years .
9 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
10 Tony Blair , Labour 's Employment Secretary , is said to be privately impressed that fewer days are now lost to strikes than at any time in the past 60 years .
11 They earn interest in dinars , calculated at the current exchange rate , and the principal can normally be withdrawn at any time in the given foreign currency .
12 If you do not wish to receive any of these offers — now or at any time in the future — please complete your personal details , tick the box below and return this form by post ( no stamp needed ) to Thames Water Utilities , Freepost , Swindon , SN2 6BR .
13 The main grouping of riders at any time in the race .
14 There are no deadlines and we will welcome your ideas for novel research now , or , I hope , at any time in the future !
15 The classless society has fewer class players than at any time in the game 's history .
16 Any horse which works hard , particularly in the summer months , or which sweats a lot at any time in the year , may be suffering from electrolyte loss .
17 Further , to argue , as Gandhi does , that progress towards ahi sā must have taken place otherwise the human race would have become extinct by now , in the same way as lower species of animal life have become extinct , is to ignore the principle of natural selection , and the fact that more sophisticated weapons of hi sā are now at man 's disposal making the possibility of his self-destruction and extinction more real today than at any time in the past .
18 When WORKING disappears from the screen , the palette will have been saved to the disk , ready for you to call up at any time in the future .
19 The 9% unsecured loan stock is redeemable at par on 31 May 1995 or , at the Company 's option , in whole or in part at any time in the preceding five years .
20 The 12% unsecured loan stock is redeemable at par on 31 May 2000 or , at the Company 's option , in whole or in part at any time in the preceding five years .
21 The basic set-up consists of rather basic apparatus out of a school laboratory — battery , heavy water , metal electrodes and meters for heat or neutrons — which is so widely available that the discovery could have been made anywhere at any time in the preceding half century ; but somehow it has been overlooked by two generations of scientists until suddenly in 1989 not one but two groups in the same location simultaneously announce their breakthroughs .
22 It was to no purpose , however , for Franco was no more inclined to negotiate now than at any time in the past year .
23 Cut through the Arch Duke 's sleevenotes and poems ( a bit hippy ) to discover that he is funnier and more inventive than at any time in the intervening years .
24 Phillips auctioneers have responded to Sotheby 's rise in buyer 's premium with the following statement , issued on 3 December : ‘ Whilst Phillips do not wish to increase their buyer 's premium , they reserve the right to alter their standard terms and conditions or sale at any time in the future if necessary in order to maintain their competitive position ’ .
25 Not much enlightenment there ; the same reply could have been given at any time in the past four years .
26 The judges also said that they would set aside the orders of Justice Morling that the Tobacco Industry of Australia could never , at any time in the future , replicate the claims contained in the offending sentence .
27 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
28 They echoed each phrase as he continued : ‘ … that I will never mention the existence of any such letter to anyone else — now , or at any time in the future , so help me , God . ’
29 The rural population today is better housed , better educated and generally in receipt of a higher standard of living than at any time in the past .
30 No father ( of a case or control ) had accumulated a recorded dose of more than 5 mSv before his child was conceived , and no father had been monitored at any time in the four years before his child was conceived .
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