Example sentences of "[prep] some time during [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rain had obviously driven in some time during the night and the dried splashes were clearly visible on the tiled floor .
2 The cephalopods evolved from another ( gastropod-like ? ) mollusc at some time during the Cambrian , but their earliest history is little known .
3 The original trophy that went with the first prize disappeared — it is thought at some time during the eighteenth century — and there was never enough money to replace it .
4 We are lucky enough to be living during a warm period ( interglacial ) of this ice age , but our luck can not last forever ; at some time during the next few thousand , few hundred or even just few years the next cold period ( glacial ) will commence unless humanity 's pollution contributes so much to the greenhouse effect that global warming prevents the glaciers from spreading .
5 Will job opportunities and interview skills be discussed at some time during the course ?
6 It is to be hoped that all steam enthusiasts will perhaps make an effort to support this railway at some time during the present season to help to ensure that it remains in being into the future .
7 Those who fail will , at some time during the trek , lose their footing and fall into the fetid water of the marsh .
8 Because star formation and hence the formation of neutron stars by supernova collapse in NGC6342 ceased long ago , the apparent youth of the pulsar suggests that a major event has occurred at some time during the last 10Myr .
9 Turning her head slightly she looked at the cut-glass decanter on the bedside table — it was a little less than half full , which meant that she had drunk three … no , four glasses of whisky at some time during the night .
10 For a cool shady corner which gets sun at some time during the day , comfrey , sorrel , costmary , alkanet and chervil would do well , and for perfume , the container could include Rosa damascena , pinks , mignonette , honeysuckle or jasmine , and wallflowers , herbs which release their fragrance into the air .
11 The apothecary 's rose is hardy and will do well in deep , well-drained but moist soil , in sun or a little shade at some time during the day .
12 The other possibility er is that having read it the site visit that I will have made , in any event , either already or or at some time during the latter part of next week , I may discover there is something which one of the parties points out which I have n't looked at because I did n't realize that it was relevant .
13 The man did n't need telling twice , and as the boy began to follow him , Connor suddenly remembered : at some time during the evening , when the saloon till ran short of change , he had put in some silver of his own and taken out a fiver — then stuffed it in a pewter tankard on the shelf for safekeeping .
14 Percentage of pupils absent at some time during the week in November was 30% .
15 Then at some time during the day , he or she has cause to turn their head sharply to the left , or attempt to take off the jacket .
16 At least two groups of bats then , two groups of birds , toothed whales , and probably several other kinds of mammals to a smaller extent , have all independently converged on the technology of sonar , at some time during the last hundred million years .
17 Here , a charge under Schedule E can arise where a manager has acquired shares in respect of which a " chargeable event " occurs while he is the beneficial owner of them and the manager is a director or employee of Newco or Target or an associated company of either of them at some time during the period of seven years ending with the date on which the chargeable event occurs .
18 I try any watch the production at some time during the week in order to be able to talk about it to the Press .
19 Er , at some time during the course of tomorrow morning , I 'll try and bring you up to date as to where we are in terms of the items that have fell off the agenda so far .
20 erm Under the new erm system erm every G P must at some time during the visit erm persons over seventy-five .
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