Example sentences of "[prep] they [vb past] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 She believes that if patients and the purchasers who obtain medical care for them began to demand a better quality of front line service , then hospital managers would very quickly do something to improve the tasks undertaken by and supervision given to preregistration house officers .
2 All of them died leaving a minor to succeed .
3 This year four of them agreed to set a low common external tariff instead .
4 Indeed most of them had made a kind of negative progress .
5 On Sunday all of them had attended a cousin 's wedding .
6 Some of the doctors — alas not many — were essentially reasonable men ; but most of them had developed a positively insensate hatred for Mrs Castle .
7 Indeed , if any one of them had killed a cat , even in these special circumstances , he would have been put to death for it .
8 If any of them had displayed a leaning towards the stage , Dinah would no doubt have encouraged it ; but they had neither the presence nor the voice , nor , she would think despairingly , looking round them all , the appearance ; every one was Paul over again .
9 One of them had had a recent bypass , heart bypass operation .
10 The men used matches to see around , one of them had lit a straw bail to get more light .
11 Mostly she quizzed me about the burglars and I said they 'd tried to get in through the bathroom window and one of them had put a foot through it , probably coming from the roof next door , and I generally made out that there was a whole gang of footpads up there lying in wait for Santa Claus .
12 Benny was the only one they knew without brothers and sisters , most of them had to share a Mam and a Dad with five or six others .
13 Neither of them had spoken a word since leaving London .
14 By the time one of them had climbed a little way up , the Bookman had long disappeared .
15 Senior Household officials like the Treasurer of the Chamber , the Chamberlain , the Vice Chamberlain , the Captain of the Guard , the Controller of the Household , and the Treasurer of the Household evidently held their posts under the Tudors without a patent and at the pleasure of the monarch , although by the reign of Charles I many of them had acquired a life interest .
16 But the two of them had had a falling-out on the night of the capitalization party .
17 By the end of the fifteenth century fewer Chancery officials were clerics than in mid-century , and more of them had had a legal education .
18 Getting no satisfaction from that quarter a few of them had taken a problem to a union meeting .
19 But if appointment as a lord of session was major patronage at any period in Scotland 's history , there was in the eighteenth century considerable demand for any post which could make use of legal education , for there is some reason to believe that the country was oversupplied with lawyers in view of the desperate efforts which some of them made to obtain a salaried post , no matter how minor .
20 Neither of them asked to see a girl called Evelyn Harris and Jackie guessed correctly that her letter had gone astray , though he never said as much to her .
21 Although the Boards had somewhat uninspiring regional names , most of them tried to present a more appealing local public face by using acronyms or logos such as ‘ MANWEB ’ for the Merseyside and North Wales Electricity Board , and ‘ Seeboard ’ for the South Eastern Board .
22 The stones in the centre of the channel were hidden now : the slow trickle of water which flowed around them had become a fast-flowing stream , which covered them .
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