Example sentences of "[prep] it be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was a large police presence at the rave , despite it being licensed by the local council .
2 A lot of it 's to do with newspapers .
3 Well just well if , because it 's all a lot of it 's to do with this alca alchemical
4 ‘ Yeah , I noticed it , Eva , but none of it 's sloshing against our house . ’
5 But this 'll tell you if you 're veering that way , so you can go , ooh , and perhaps spend one day a week on that , just to get into it , and the rest of it 's going to be managing my practice .
6 Because , I mean , I know where it 's coming from , some of it 's coming from Stanley , who , who thinks if I do n't stand down it will damage Ruth 's chances .
7 Different authors may define corporatism differently , but we should not worry too much about this since corporatism is a highly complex phenomenon and different dimensions , or aspects , of it are covered by these diverse conceptualisations .
8 Although it is from 1 to 3 km below sea level off Java , along most of the coast of Sumatra parts of it are exposed as the Mentawai and other islands ( Figs 3.9 and 3.14 ) .
9 The outer-arc ridge is usually a submarine feature but in a few cases , such as Barbados in the West Indies and Middleton Island in the Aleutian Arc in Alaska , parts of it are exposed above sea level .
10 A sense of the past may be retained by the use of remembrancers whose representations of it are differentiated from the everyday casual memories of people .
11 A substantial part of the trail is already in use ; two units of it are incorporated in two excursions ( to Rutli and to Bauen ) described in this section .
12 The horror and the pain of it are hinted at in the progression , ‘ your son , your only son , whom you love , Isaac ’ ( this is the order in the Hebrew ) .
13 Drawings of it are given in his Codex Atlanticus of about 1495 , but Leonardo can no longer be regarded as its inventor .
14 This is not surprising as the dog 's capacity to associate a form of behaviour and the consequences of it are limited to less than two seconds .
15 Anorexia is a relatively modern illness er the first descriptions of it are found in the nineteenth century and today it 's er by no means an uncommon illness in er mainly in young women , very occasionally in men , but , but er y it 's more or less safe to say it 's er it 's a disease of er women and almost always younger women .
16 ‘ I mean , ’ he spelled out for her , ‘ I wo n't force your engagement to my brother to an end if I feel some aspects of it are going to be — how shall we say ? — under my control . ’
17 The Sunday Liturgy is never celebrated without music and large parts of it are sung by the celebrant , the deacon and the people .
18 Projections of it are reproduced in the papers .
19 This creeps across the shelf and down the continental slope , spreading along the sea-bed ; much of it is formed over the shelves of the Weddell and Ross bights , and from there it spreads far northward into the northern hemisphere .
20 This can take many forms , but the idea is that part of it is strapped around your backside ; this prevents the hook from riding up and allows you to take all the weight of the rig by sitting .
21 Consequently most of it is scored for orchestral accompaniment : to extract the songs and perform them with piano , either in a performance-art format , as does Angelina Réaux , or as a Liederabend like Carole Farley , is to present a one-dimensional aspect of the music and an ultimate disservice to the composer .
22 Although nowadays a certain amount of mechanical testing is done for what might be called academic reasons , by far the most of it is done for strictly practical ends and in fact a thorough knowledge of the actual strength of its materials is , like drains and income tax , one of the things which no advanced civilization can do without .
23 Some of it is done by legislation which erm fire officers have to erm put to use er and , and work to erm and then there 's a lot of good will advice and , and help that can be given , er and publicity and training and so on which comes under the big wing of fire prevention .
24 The paper is much more tentative because some of it is based on evidence which has not always been gathered from studies designed specifically to elicit people 's conceptions in the mind .
25 Much of this belief is soundly based in experience but part of it is based on wishful thinking .
26 Most of it is covered in water .
27 Most of it is covered in water but it 's still called Earth .
28 Er and B , that surely a lot of it is covered in our training already .
29 of it is manufactured in Holland , which is one of our EC partners ?
30 When the sun 's rays hit the Earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space but some of it is kept within the Earth 's atmosphere .
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