Example sentences of "[prep] which be in the " in BNC.

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1 On our Boeing 757 charter flights to Mombasa you have the opportunity to upgrade to Sovereign 's Silver or Gold Service , seating for which is in the front section of the aircraft .
2 Esarn has 62 self-help organisations , most of which are in the business of agitation rather than welfare .
3 About half a million Americans live in some 176000 adobe houses , 97 per cent of which are in the four contiguous states of New Mexico , Arizona , Texas and California .
4 The scheme of increasing complexity from sub-atomic particle to individual living being yields seven levels of organization , only three of which are in the non-living world .
5 Described as ‘ cold , haughty , melancholy and dull ’ , he at least came to life in the splendour of his books , some eight hundred of which are in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris .
6 Its poles represent those issues and challenges , all of which are in the province of the Queen of Beauty .
7 Sir Edwin Lutyens in the 1920s in a ‘ Napoleon ’ armchair , two of which are in the Dolls ' House library .
8 The provision of a single accumulator does not really correspond to the way in which most programs are written , since at any given point there are usually several intermediate values all of which are in the process of being manipulated .
9 Since 1974 , some 6600 dwellings have been completed in Blyth Valley , the bulk of which are in the private sector ( 4400 ) .
10 I find this rather extraordinary , not only because the Green Party is regarded as the party of the environment , but also because in the General Election the Greens are fielding 254 candidates nationally , at least a dozen of which are in the North-East .
11 The train will then head for London , bearing amongst its passengers the winners of the Scotsman competition , details of which are in the previous column .
12 The Treasurer presented her financial report , details of which are in the Annual Report .
13 Upland moorland and rough grasslands , most of which is in the LFA , can be improved agriculturally be fencing followed by surface cultivation ( often preceded by complete herbicide treatment to kill the vegetation ) , seeding and fertilisation to produce a much more agriculturally productive grass sward .
14 In support of this interpretation , men wearing similarly short spotted jerkins are occasionally depicted on Mycenaean vases , one of which is in the British Museum .
15 Historical figures , broken down by region , for the number of jobs related to defence requirements are published in volume 2 of the 1991 ’ Statement on the Defence Estimates ’ , a copy of which is in the Library .
16 We signed a joint declaration — the text of which is in the Library of the House — on relations between our two countries .
17 I remember a stately home which proudly displayed a Nelson letter the original of which was in the National Maritime Museum .
18 This year — 1991 — results have been quite different and we have had a heavy crop , 70% of which was in the large or very large grades and the berries were full of juice and flavour .
19 This was a momentary memory-lapse , as Eliot himself had written a poem on the saint , entitled ‘ The Love Song of St Sebastian ’ , the text of which was in the notebook given to John Quinn and now in the Berg Collection , New York .
20 He came from an ancient Corvedale family , branches of which were in the forefront of Shropshire life during the seventeenth century — Francis 's nephew was a Member for Wenlock in Charles I 's parliament .
21 and it was interesting to note a few groups apparently in their infancy , not all of which were in the larger authorities :
22 It was the listeners up in the loggioni of whom the singers were most afraid : if the performance did not reach a sufficiently high standard in the opinion of the audience , the most vocal members of which were in the loggioni , they would be treated to il fichio , an outburst of whistling accompanied by the stamping of feet and sometimes a barrage of tomatoes or fruit .
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