Example sentences of "[prep] which is [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 On our Boeing 757 charter flights to Mombasa you have the opportunity to upgrade to Sovereign 's Silver or Gold Service , seating for which is in the front section of the aircraft .
2 Today when society , and consequently education , is increasingly dominated by national , academic and statistical considerations and visual imagination is neglected , I believe that this was his great contribution , the survival of which is of the greatest importance .
3 Government and national accounts business unit manager Stewart Oldroyd , claimed that the company has already signed up a few orders prior to the official release , the most significant of which is with the National Bank of Hungary .
4 So you 've got two countries next door to each other , one of which is on the whole starting into reasonably good practice , whereas the other has , although it says it has intentions of doing it , in the case of the Ivory Coast .
5 This together with costs incurred in fulfilling catering responsibilities resulted in a sizeable loss , repetition of which is beyond the club 's meagre resources .
6 Skin contains about 70 percent water , 10–13 percent of which is within the outer , visible corneal layer .
7 The microporous structure offers a high surface area 50% of which is inside the media .
8 From most points of the compass Pike o'Blisco has a fine pyramidal shape and can be approached from various directions , the easiest of which is from the Three Shire Stone on Wrynose Pass .
9 Upland moorland and rough grasslands , most of which is in the LFA , can be improved agriculturally be fencing followed by surface cultivation ( often preceded by complete herbicide treatment to kill the vegetation ) , seeding and fertilisation to produce a much more agriculturally productive grass sward .
10 In support of this interpretation , men wearing similarly short spotted jerkins are occasionally depicted on Mycenaean vases , one of which is in the British Museum .
11 Historical figures , broken down by region , for the number of jobs related to defence requirements are published in volume 2 of the 1991 ’ Statement on the Defence Estimates ’ , a copy of which is in the Library .
12 We signed a joint declaration — the text of which is in the Library of the House — on relations between our two countries .
13 The attack was launched by Croat soldiers on Muslim positions in which is on the front line between the opposing sides .
14 The plane on which the two waves collide is given by , or by which is between the two horizons .
15 In a similar way , the reactance of a capacitance of the prototype low-pass filter must be replaced by which is of the form where Apparently , to synthesise the band-pass response , any capacitance of the prototype must be replaced by capacitance in parallel with inductance , the values of which are given by equations ( 12.47 ) and ( 12.48 ) .
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