Example sentences of "[prep] which [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the years of the American wars Faden came to prominence with maps and atlases of considerable historical note , some of the materials for which survive in the Library of Congress .
2 Objective a ) requires the provision of information resources to underpin the research effort , and implicitly provides for our function as a publisher ; b ) explicitly mentions the library and the archive collection ; c ) implies the efficient curation of information , and the granting of access to the resources ; d ) specifies our enquiry , consultancy and educational functions , all of which have a high information content ; e ) demands the use of expertise and data for the provision of specialist services , and f ) relates to our public amenity function , and sets out the purposes for which access to the amenity is provided .
3 Recognition that there are areas to be catered for which lie outside the subject departments and need to be kept outside the distribution mechanism , for example , administration , library , orchestra etc .
4 There was a Gilbertine priory here ( the only purely English monastic order ) , traces of which survive at the south end of the village .
5 The result is an argument organized in three categories , all of which connect in the idea that sporting superiority is racially linked .
6 In January 1989 the CEGB 's Nuclear Fuel Director was finally forced to admit that nuclear fuel cycle costs ( the majority of which come from the ‘ back end ’ ) had overtaken those of coal stations .
7 Ta'kwanya and ta'kwakomenae are the two components , or forces , of ta'kwaru , ‘ the life of thoughts ’ , both of which come from the crystal boxes of the gods .
8 Another avid audience is made up of the enzymes which add phosphate groups to proteins , some of which help in the production of impulses .
9 Alternatives to B's " yeah " might be : " I know " , " I know what you mean " , " Exactly " , " I sure do " , etc. — all of which respond to the question form of A's " you know what I mean ? "
10 In the west it is heavily dissected by the Ribeira da Janela and the Ribeira do Seixal , both of which flow to the north coast .
11 Companies have other attractions besides the limitation of members ' liability , most of which flow from the separate legal personality with which corporations are endowed under English law .
12 Contracts for the acquisition of computer equipment and software present special problems , many of which flow from the unique nature of computer technology .
13 Through binoculars we recognised shoveler , teal , pochard and tufted duck , all of which breed in the pools .
14 Building Regulations contain strict fire prevention regulations , some of which refer to the treatment of surfaces to prevent fire spreading too rapidly .
15 Apart from the works cited in this introduction , some of which refer to the American and Australian literature , there are now two books specifically directed to the analysis of many of these issues within a British context .
16 As such it is located between geography and soil science , which Bridges visualizes as concerned more with the biology , chemistry and physics of soil all of which converge on the study of soil fertility and crop production .
17 Good health is a combination of many factors , most of which reside within the individual .
18 Typical layout of a rabbit warren , showing the entrances , bolt-holes and dead-ends , all of which figure in the ferreting technique .
19 Coming out in stages , it provides Emissary , a user-managed client-based archival application , and a separate automated system-managed hierarchical file migration application , both of which integrate with the firm 's Inspire II optical jukeboxes and library management software .
20 Coming out in stages , it provides Emissary , a user-managed client-based archival application , and a separate automated system-managed hierarchical file migration application , both of which integrate with the firm 's Inspire II optical jukeboxes and library management software .
21 The best known of the cup-marked stones in Islay is outside the chapel at Kilchiaran ; it has a couple of dozen cups , two of which pierce through the slab .
22 However , it has a three-year plan to develop services , many of which fall under the Community Care and Children Acts .
23 Selection has favoured those organisms which have scientific , learning , rule-obeying capacities all of which contribute towards the development and maintenance of advanced societies .
24 Sadly , the methods used in food processing to boost flavour and enhance colour and texture are all too often detrimental to the nutritional value of the product : natural vitamins , minerals and fibre may be removed , and salt , sugar and cheap fats are introduced , all of which contribute to the already high levels of heart disease prevalent in this country .
25 Aggregate expenditure also consists of government spending , exports , and investment , all of which contribute to the demand for domestically produced goods and services .
26 They become the guardians of decisions , some of which accord with the criteria for units of goodness which make up the substance of the Created God , and can therefore become part of it .
27 This cell column underlies a unit area of mucosal surface , the dimensions of which correspond to the thickness of the section and to the width of the ocular grid — that is , 960 µm .
28 If we assume that the DNA bound bleomycin covers three base pairs two of which correspond to the cleavage site then the molecules must protrude by one base pairs in either direction .
29 Coins can make three contributions to this study , all of which derive from the way that coin portraits are normally identified by the inscription that accompanies them and from the fact that they have survived in much greater numbers than have portraits in any other medium .
30 all of which calibrate to the Early or Middle Bronze Age ; such a body of evidence can not be chance .
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