Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Another of his innovations was inviting students to Sunday lunch , after which they would join the family in the garden and give ‘ much valuable help ’ .
2 After which they would inveigh against them as decadent while ordering more of the same for their next well-attended private screenings .
3 ‘ You have to remember , ’ Ellen liked to lecture Thessy and me , ‘ just how absurdly wealthy they all are , and how desperately the wealthy want to be liked because they ca n't help feeling guilty about being so rich , so we only have to be obsequious , give them loads of booze , and pretend to be impressed by their entirely predictable and usually jejune opinions , after which they 'll reward us with an outrageously large tip — which is , after all , the sole reason for being nice to the ghastly creatures in the first place . ’
4 Students study three subjects in the first year , after which they may continue with one of these subjects for an honours degree .
5 They know that it would be almost impossible for them , even though it would be for only a week , after which they could return to their comfortable lives .
6 Salvation came from without : the development of some de facto secondary work in the higher ‘ standards ’ or years of Board schools , the improvements in the older grammar schools , the use of various ‘ institutes ’ dedicated to helping working men get more education , the creation of new , civic universities like Owens in Manchester , and the expansion of London University , gave men who wanted a basic education beyond primary school new opportunities , after which they could go on to a denominational college which was now more able to concentrate on theology .
7 The Mondays are on their way to Japan to play a one-off show , after which they will return to the UK to begin writing new material .
8 If the occupier then asks them to leave , they must be allowed a reasonable time to leave , after which they will become trespassers .
9 In any case , successful sketches will often be translated into works in other media , after which they will have served their purpose .
10 At weekends it makes for a good day 's outing to take the family for a picnic , after which they can gather as many strawberries as they want at the various fruit farms dotted around .
11 In either event , mechanical or electrical , the sound impulses would have to pass through the waterproof casing , after which they must pass through the fuselage of the plane . ’
12 We do not seek a quick ‘ one-off ’ sale , after which we shall disappear from your life for ever .
13 I shall allow questions to continue until 4.30 , after which we shall have to move on to the debate .
14 There , in the only cinema , we had a sadistic manager who delighted in not letting the kids into ‘ A ’ films unless we could con a grown-up into buying the tickets and going in with us , after which we would split up and go our separate ways , ourselves to the front row if possible , otherwise as near to the screen as we could get .
15 Most of the weekend exercises started off with a para drop on to a drop zone somewhere in the British Isles , after which we would spend two days marching with large packs , practising attacks and fieldcraft .
16 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
17 Once again the period of hypnosis itself will take only about twenty minutes , after which we will decide what the best form of homework would be in the particular circumstances .
18 This will take us about three months to complete after which we will concentrate on fitting brake and lubrication gear .
19 The Wall Street Journal has been going through Richardson , Texas-based Cyrix Corp 's prospectus for its proposed initial public offering ( page seven ) and finds that the company has a hitherto undisclosed dispute with Texas Instruments Inc over licensing and manufacturing issues — Cyrix says it has received limited supplies of chips from Texas , and as a result ‘ assumes it will not receive any products from Texas Instruments in the future ’ ; the dispute could give Texas , which has a licence to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name , the right to sell all current and some future Cyrix products through the term of the five-year agreement , making it harder for Cyrix to develop its own brand name identity ; the current manufacturing agreement with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV would be able to meet its needs to the end of the year , after which it would need to buy its own manufacturing facility , expand its contracts with the two firms , or do a deal with another chip maker ; earlier this month , SGS-Thomson signed a new contract agreeing to supply chips to Cyrix to the end of 1994 , and gets the right to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name .
20 The treaty was scheduled to be signed in February 1992 , after which it would require ratification by the 12 national parliaments .
21 Cobden-Sanderson quarrelled with Emery Walker and , through the mediation of Sydney Cockerell , came to an agreement that Cobden-Sanderson should retain the Doves type for his lifetime , after which it should pass to the younger man .
22 It is scheduled to meet on April 15 , after which it will continue to meet either as a whole group or in subcommittees , ‘ according to the desires of the group , ’ he said .
23 The " Women 's Office " has been guaranteed a budget of US$20.000 over a period of two years , after which it will have to find financial backing from within the government .
24 You then go south , to meet a minor road known as South Town Lane which you follow for around 500 yards after which you must branch off to cross a plantation called the Warren .
25 Most lenders ' discounts are for a limited period only , after which you will revert to paying the standard rate — this table provides a guide to lenders ' competitiveness , which should be taken into account when making your mortgage choice .
26 The green will eventually go brown or black , after which you can wash it away with a high pressure hose .
27 After which he would announce , ‘ Just going next door to ring up my Popsie ! ’ , and into the Signals Office he would disappear to ring up his fiancée , a Wren Officer stationed at Portsmouth .
28 On Wednesday evening , the Admiral looked in on the club after dinner and Amiss heard him say goodnight to the five , remarking that he had a little work to do in the office , after which he would get back home and turn in : he looked forward to seeing them the following day .
29 It was suggested that the plaster should stay on for between four and six weeks after which he might like to think of building up its strength .
30 Tait intends to remain at his Berkshire base until the 1994 World Championships , after which he may return to his native New Zealand .
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