Example sentences of "[prep] which [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With the rain cutting visibiity to less than a hundred feet , it was as if they were trapped inside a glass tumbler the sides of which held at bay the blackness of the storm .
2 His habit of electioneering from a white Rolls Royce sometimes attracted comment and he told me he had a silver-tipped cane with which to tap at doors of council flats in Fulham , though I was never sure whether to believe him .
3 In matters of this kind , in which support at home to frail elderly people is critical , there is a powerful argument for local government to assume overall responsibility for strategic planning in addition to providing service .
4 There are a number of careers in which looking at distance , shape and space and the way they interact is important .
5 However , in many of the developed countries in which age at entrance into legal marriage has been rising , later marriage has been counterbalanced by a tendency for increasing proportions of women to establish consensual unions , and at increasingly earlier ages .
6 Intimacy brings all of our unresolved conflicts , suppressed emotions and hidden agendas to the surface to be healed , and a partner provides an ideal mirror in which to gaze at parts of our own Shadow and rediscover our wholeness .
7 Instead of taking up the normal position from which to look at Los Angeles — which would be that of a driver — Adams adopts the role of a botanist , or perhaps a botanical historian looking for traces of the Eden that Southern California is well attested to have been 80 years ago : " live oaks on the hills , orchards across the valleys , and ornamental cypress , palms , and eucalyptus lining the roads " .
8 It is the sea on which to surf at noon ,
9 Riverside lands on which attempts at habitat creation by engineers and environmentalists have been abandoned are more often than not those where the demands of agents have thwarted such proposals .
10 The constitutional questions include the tricky decision as to which councillors could vote on which issues at county council meetings .
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