Example sentences of "[prep] a [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gray and his assistant Tony McAndrew were dismissed after an 8am board meeting yesterday .
2 As an illustration of what appears to be the inevitable result of a strongly objectivist analysis which presupposes its equal relevance for all commodity forms , there follows a brief summary of the trajectory taken by one of the more sustained attempts to focus on the commodity as the central object of research , by the French social theorist Baudrillard .
3 The 1930s saw the beginning of the development of a primarily student/intellectual sub-culture in which Marxism gradually became the prevalent ideology .
4 Philippe Barbe is in the happy position of being able to spend much of the year aboard his yacht and Speedy-Go therefore bears the hallmarks of a largely liveaboard yacht : accommodation with the accent on comfort , a state-of-the-art navigatorium and a galley of industrial aspect from which excellent meals regularly emerge .
5 A large and angry group of people hurled beer bottles and cans at East German border guards at the Checkpoint Charlie crossing point on Saturday and tore down parts of a newly metal fence in protest .
6 There are 30 such double bonds in the fullerene football but binding of a bis diethylphosphineplatinum group ( because of their steric bulk ) to one of these protects its four nearest neighbours from further attack .
7 I am aware , as we all are , that activities of a potentially terrorist nature occur in the Republic of Ireland .
8 John Paul 's pontificate may then appear as , in part , aberration , while a pluralist Catholic Christianity will be revealed as not only heir to the central religious tradition of the West , but as able to respond without losing its core identity to the needs both of a truly world Church and of the ongoing transformation of human consciousness and intellectual understanding .
9 However , and dimers are twisted out of a purely cis arrangement due to steric hindrance ( Fig. 2 ) .
10 To rid themselves of a purely intelligentsia base the party united with the Moscow Federation of Labour in 1991 and became the Party of Labour .
11 But the NATO council would deal with any use of a purely NATO Reaction Force .
12 Evidence of a successful Iraqi military offensive against Kurdish rebels emerged in late March shortly after the suppression of a mainly Shia uprising in the south [ see pp. 38081-82 ] .
13 Using profit maximising analyses and based on a model of a mainly cereal farm in the eastern counties he has calculated the likely impact of various assumed changes in the economics of farming .
14 This , dear reader , is just the tiniest tip of an absolutely enormo iceberg : there 's heaps more stuff about the macabre , the theatrical and the perverted ; the awkward , the romantic and Suede 's ‘ extraordinary intensity ’ ; not to mention fairground mirrors and all the other fevered topics of conversation and how Suede are so quintessentially English the term could have been invented for them .
15 ‘ Women are under-represented in traditional craft industries due to lack of real training and support for girls at school leaving age , compounded by the hostility of an all-too-often chauvinist workplace .
16 Given that many bus operators would be interested in franchisees , what conclusions can be drawn from Badgerline 's reported withdrawal following a threat of an OFT monopoly inquiry ?
17 On the face of it , it looks like a purely police problem . ’
18 We can quote one as saying ‘ We see it as giving a distinctive edge to our marketing image amongst a predominantly business clientele . ’
19 ‘ He had a shower , changed , leaped on to a train and came straight to London for a 3pm charity gathering .
20 Earlier plans for a purely commando raid had been abandoned , as mentioned earlier , because St Nazaire stands on the Loire estuary with only one deep-water channel which was covered by coastal batteries in 1942 .
21 The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the power of this cumulative selection as a fundamentally nonrandom process .
22 As a predominantly passenger line , the L & NWR had more locos and more passenger carriages than its contemporaries .
23 Both of these assertions , though questionable , attest to the kind of currency James enjoyed in what is usually regarded as a purely Pauline sphere of influence .
24 Doherty is described by Cole as an ardent Owenite ; but though he records him as advocating ‘ co-operative self-employment far and wide wherever the workers became organised ’ , he nevertheless identifies the National Association as a purely trade union body .
25 Benji is an ex-champion Prix St Georges dressage horse with a wonderfully laidback temperament and is used as a schoolmaster to many of Catherston 's pupils .
26 Weathered clay barley-sugar edgings finish off a path or flowerbed with a crisply period touch , but aside from shoving a few in your handbag next time you visit Mount Stewart , they tend to be hard to find .
27 The longer spines are mace-like ; with a slightly rugose body and a head with multiple points .
28 The gammacamera ( GEC Maxicamera II ) was fitted with a nigh energy parallel hole collimator ( 400 keV maximum energy ) .
29 In the latest incidents , an antiques dealer was attacked at Keele services on the M Six shortly after midnight and yesterday a woman driving along a quite country road in Chepstow had her car rammed by a gang wielding baseball bats .
30 28 ) ; and the mosaics from North Hill , Colchester ( Neal 1981 , nos. 39 and 40 ) which combine circular elements with an essentially grid format .
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