Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] time [subord] " in BNC.

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1 After a short time as assistant pathologist at Glasgow Royal , he was appointed lecturer in clinical pathology in the University of St Andrews in 1931 .
2 Infra-red detectors are very effective devices — they react to body heat , and will leave lights on for a predetermined time after they first sense body heat .
3 You must have been in full-time employment for a fixed time before you can claim ?
4 Sir Derek Alun-Jones , Ferranti 's chairman , is expected to postpone the annual meeting for a second time so that revised accounts can be prepared to include the effect of the £185m International Signal and Control fraud .
5 However , the Communists , who emerged for a second time as power broker despite their loss of seven seats in parliament , has made it clear that they will not collaborate with the Pasok leader whom they indicted for alleged wrongdoing during the interim left-right coalition government of Mr Tzannis Tzannetakis .
6 In the off road mode , however , the Wrangler will rarely attract passengers for a second time as the ride is absolutely terrible , particularly for those in the rear bench seat , which is smaller and harder than some estate cars offer in their third row of seats .
7 Martha stood patiently for a long time while her mother tried one dress after another on her , hoping to find a colour that made her skin seem paler and a cut that disguised her skeletal proportions .
8 But I discard that idea , for the water is too shallow over the sand and once a fish is hooked the fishing would be finished for a long time while the rest of the shoal got over the scare .
9 Grown in impoverished conditions , the plant becomes stunted but remains alive for a long time while many small shoots develop to give the appearance of an irregularly worn shaving-brush .
10 Still peering from the corner of his eye , Frankie stared at her breasts for a long time before he realized with a jolt that she was observing him through the mirror .
11 We were playing for a long time before we ever had a deal , and when we eventually got signed by a big company , they pretty much took us for what we were .
12 ‘ Was n't I the best prospect Bermondsey 'ad for a long time before I got me wound ? ’ he asked .
13 I went out with Anne for a long time before she decided to marry Alfred , or he decided to marry her .
14 His mind for a long time before this crisis arose had been turning to the idea of a new party orientation and government by what he called a Council of State …
15 I hesitated for a long time before I began my experiment .
16 Soapy moved on , but he walked for a long time before he tried again .
17 Was you involved in the Labour Party for a long time before erm before you were the election agent ?
18 He was screaming for a long time before he fell , and we could hear that he was running as he screamed .
19 For our purposes what matters is that RNA , or something like it , was around for a long time before it became self-replicating .
20 A discrete block of land may have been in existence for a long time before it was first described in a written document .
21 Thought for a long time before I hit on that .
22 He had been watching her for a long time before she realised he was awake .
23 It seemed to Tallis that she had smouldered for a long time before finally the fire had taken hold .
24 But she , you know , it was built for a long time before she got anything in it .
25 ‘ From what you 've told me , I do n't think we 'll see her for a long time unless your Mr Wyatt finds them , and while he thinks you are Dana he wo n't be looking very hard , will he ? ’
26 ‘ Well , Daouad , you will not see the Sukkariya again for a long time unless you answer my questions . ’
27 The two girls were quiet for a long time after the door closed ; then suddenly , unaccountably , they started to push one another , boisterously mimicking Moran : ‘ God , O God , what did I do to deserve such a crowd ?
28 In bed that night , Evelyn and Rose talked in whispers for a long time after they were sure that everyone else was asleep .
29 For a long time after she had died , she had n't been able to think about her at all , it had been so awful , but now she could .
30 She 's got our number all right an' we 'll 'ave to give this place a miss for a long time after this .
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