Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 After a pub lunch we did a bit outside the car-park mortuary and then settled down with the telephone to record some attempts to buy a coffin , one of which resulted in agreement , which was the last thing we needed at the time , although it came in very handy later .
2 In one case the author was involved in , the widow ( after the deed of variation ) was able to convince the CTO that she only considered making the gifts back after a cocktail party she attended and at which the topic of conversation was inheritance tax .
3 The rift between CART and USAC widened when the latter refused CART racing teams entry to the 1979 Indianapolis 500 , but after a court ruling they were reinstated .
4 Last Friday after a court appearance he was being taken by taxi to Bullingdon Prison in Oxfordshire .
5 A lot of people like it because basically th er when you look after a police dog it becomes your pet as well , you take it home with you and you take it to work with you , and the u you 'll have a police dog for sort of like its working life of seven to eight years , so basically you 're gon na have him for seven to eight years and he becomes a fa like a family pet .
6 After a snack lunch I went back there . ’
7 After a transition period they would receive cash-limited allocations from the RHA based on the number and characteristics of their resident population and would be free to purchase services from within or without the district ( subject to certain safeguards ) , from NHS , private and voluntary suppliers .
8 Returning home one night after a sorting session I found a list of messages , mostly concerning Christian Aid , awaiting me .
9 In the course of a 24-hour drama the kidnapper , Orlando Ordoñez Betancourt , successfully demanded that they be flown with him to Honduras , where after an airport siege he was granted safe passage to Mexico .
10 After an eye test he was given the rank of petty officer engineer and directed to Victoria Station to take charge of 20 similar recruits .
11 On the other hand if someone dies of a heart attack it is just accepted that the cause is hereditary , ‘ He over-exerted himself once too often , ’ or most commonly , it was ‘ Just bad luck ’ .
12 I had intended to go on and become a teacher , but when Dad died of a heart attack I was needed to help run the family art gallery . ’
13 — Peter Sellers , telling reporters of a heart attack he had while making love to Britt Ekland .
14 The description ‘ Big , Black but Slim ’ could be misconstrued but as dedicated readers of a computer magazine I 'm sure you 'll realise that I 'm talking about the keyboard !
15 Molloy and Carroll suggest that while Access courses equip students with whatever is necessary for the completion of a degree course they may be less successful in preparing them for the higher levels of academic performance .
16 It 's the number of a steam engine I 've got .
17 ‘ If this is not direct political control of a broadcasting network I do not know what is , ’ he said .
18 Only last year , Belgian motor racing ace , Bertrand Gachot lost his place in the Silverstone-based Jordan team when jailed for spraying CS Gas in the face of a taxi driver he 'd crashed into .
19 He gives me the address of a boarding house he could stay at in Earls Court .
20 If you find sheer weight a good judge of a products quality you 'll be pleased by this one !
21 Into the less cerebral atmosphere of a detective novel it is likely , too , that you will find opportunities for scenes of action , and that they will seem less like seized-on injections of pep-up dope than they would amid the logical probings of the puzzle story .
22 In the words of a Harvard director they want something " a little bit sexy ! "
23 With all the subtlety of a pub singer he prises away the so-called glamour and reveals a hard world full of sadness , unfulfilled dreams and barren values .
24 In the absence of a university college it was the nearest the Gold Coast had to an institution of higher education .
25 By considering the equilibrium of a unit cube it can be seen that the moments of the stresses must sum to zero and this implies the symmetry of the stress tensor .
26 So unless you come up with a bloody good reason why you 're assaulting Virginia in broad daylight in the middle of a London exhibition I strongly advise you to get the hell out of here .
27 For example , many a small child knows that to alleviate the pain and irritation of a nettle sting he need only reach for the nearest broad-leaved docken , ( Rumex obtusifolius ) and rub it on the offending part for instant relief .
28 You remind me of a cocker spaniel I once owned . ’
29 In the middle of a History lesson we heard the good news .
30 We had jacket potatoes right , which is literally mouldy and baked hard so you 'd get about out of a jacket potato you 'd probably get about that much potato and the rest is just skin and mould and hardness quiche which is just like processed cheese and processed eggs and everything you can imagine just total packet mix
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