Example sentences of "[prep] be [vb pp] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He also campaigned against pollution but suffered the irony of being prosecuted himself for pollution in 1857 , which caused him to move his works to Miles Platting .
2 India , despite being thrashed themselves in South Africa immediately before this series , have looked sharper and better equipped in every department .
3 Their hatred of exploitation and their knowledge of western capitalism and the socialist movement it had brought into being led them to utopian socialist illusions .
4 However , we believe that for children not to be taught anything about language is seriously to their disadvantage .
5 It illustrates the fact that the child is puzzled or confused about a subject on which he should have had reasonably clear instruction as soon as he was old enough to be taught anything at all .
6 After breaking into two local homes and hi-jacking the occupants ' cars the IRA launched their attack on the apparently vulnerable target only to be ambushed themselves by the SAS .
7 His new book , as yet untitled , but probably to be called something like Raymond Blanc — Cooking at Home , is going to be full of explanations .
8 I was grateful to be called anything at all .
9 If half the records on a track have to be moved one at a time , and a device revolution is required for each movement , additions can take a great deal of time .
10 These two things indepen , exist independently of one another , if they are to be checked one against the other , that is a major task which we better start attacking now if that is what required .
11 And the ideas need to be caught they need to be done something with by the rest of the group .
12 After reports in the Washington Post that the ICRC and UN field workers had hired several thousand local " mercenaries " to protect food distribution operations , the ICRC on May 8 issued a statement to the effect that " local relief committees " organized by the clans and sub-clans were acting as a " police force " ; a small amount of the food aid was to be given them as " food for work " .
13 In all of this giving away of herself ( which can be taken in two modern senses ) , this revelation of a coarser character beneath the courtly exterior she tries to sustain , Margery follows the movement of the opening stanzas of the text down from the character of the courtly dame to the level of the townswoman , a stereotyped bourgeois Vxor , " Wife " : the label that seems to be given her by the letter " " V " alongside some of her speeches in the manuscript copy of Dame Sirith .
14 You have n't ans answered my question Mr Chairman , I asked you why did the Council vote to this museum on the Norfolk enquired by trust which to be given you by the Suffolk Authority Wild Life Trust
15 A COMPANY is threatening to axe half its workforce unless it is paid more than £20,000 claimed to be owed them by Liverpool City Council .
16 I just wondered what those contexts and you will be bound to be asked it in council if it 's not asked now .
17 If these spaces are not to be compared one to another , and no original research has been carried out , what exactly is the purpose of this well-prepared book ?
18 The timber steps illustrated have been made from Forest mini sleepers , which look like logs , but have two flat faces allowing them to be placed one on top of the other .
19 In 1821 , Mr. Pulley resigned and his successor , Thomas Woolridge , a surgeon of the High Street , was appointed at 50 guineas per annum , to be followed himself by Mr. Blower a few years later at a salary of £63 per annum .
20 THINGS have deteriorated so far and so fast at Higgs & Hill that shareholders were lucky to be offered anything as a final dividend .
21 Perhaps the survivors of a stranding are less likely to be stranded themselves at a later date .
22 Ashley waited to be told which of them she was to accompany , but the numbers dwindled and nothing was said .
23 No true blue inhabitant of Paradise Street or Mouncy Street ever needed to be told anything from the police ; they had ways of finding out . )
24 ‘ This is what it is all about really ’ , said one of the clowns , handing me a bun just before he dashed across to the pub car park where they all lined up in order to be judged which of them was the best-dressed ( he was , incidentally ) .
25 If anaphors were to be resolved one at a time and left to right , nothing would yet have been done about ‘ him ’ , so the configurational contribution would be missed and reasoning would be inevitable .
26 But the class needs to be allowed plenty of time to formulate a reply .
27 " I do n't mind investigating poisonings on the farms but I object to being poisoned myself in my own home ! "
28 British Columbia 's powerful timber industry — led by MacMillan Bloedel , the company that will be doing much of the cutting in Clayoquot — feigned relief at being given anything at all while bemoaning the loss of jobs that the mild restrictions would cause .
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