Example sentences of "[prep] be [art] more than " in BNC.

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1 In love with Kee , he had taunted Theo with being no more than a ‘ Man of business ’ .
2 But its reluctant , even remote , tone is that of bureaucrats anxious to distance themselves from what might prove to be no more than fashionable scientific nonsense .
3 ‘ Rational animal ’ had been suggested as a definition of the ‘ nature ’ of man ; but this appears to be no more than a specification of some of his properties .
4 But now , here , this morning , in this pokey little office in Queen Anne 's Gate , spring in the air in St James 's Park outside his windows , the sound of military music drifting across from Buckingham Palace as the guards marched — all the elements of human and political drama so clear in his mind — Mick wondered whether it really was his destiny to be no more than a player : just another player .
5 Edward Pilkington writing in the Guardian later commented , ‘ What at first glance appears to be no more than a simple case of human error becomes , at closer examination , as much a story about bungling management and an inadequate safety system born of years of cuts .
6 Looking ahead , the price by the year 2000 was expected to be no more than about $50 per tonne .
7 Of those who are remembered , the more distant or briefly glimpsed a grandparent , the more likely the recollection is to be no more than an external image .
8 This , when I first saw it , seemed to be no more than a pleasant crater , but later explorations by experts have classed it as one of the most severe in the district .
9 The Land Rover had originally been meant to be no more than a safety net .
10 The cows were said to be no more than fair milkers , but their milk was particularly creamy .
11 Most of the buildings seen from the airport appeared to be no more than mud huts , although there were some larger buildings of brick and rough stone .
12 There is another function of playing dead that has been depicted for centuries but which , until recently , was thought to be no more than a fictitious folk-tale .
13 It hardly matters what you are angry about , so long as you convey clearly the message that you are on the point of a serious psychotic meltdown and anyone getting in your way is liable to be no more than a bag of pimply skin and bone shards lying in a pool of blood within seconds .
14 If so , it would seem to be no more than a logically disreputable form of reasoning to which I have to resort until the scientific study of behaviour puts more rigorous methods at my disposal .
15 On the next point , what initially appeared to have been an ace down the middle by Forget was shown to be no more than wishful thinking by spectators now spending more time on their feet than in their seats .
16 A dogma that once looked profound had been shown to be no more than a simplistic diagram ; and social reality is too complex , in the end , to be embraced by any single theory of history or of class .
17 Similarly , in twenty years ' time , the threat of the new media may prove to be no more than a means for liberating the viewer from the duopoly 's straightjacket .
18 This immediately triggered talk about a triple ( or is it a quadruple ? ) dip , but many economists believe it will prove to be no more than a stutter .
19 But this sudden quiet is likely to be no more than a brief lull .
20 At an annual rate , GDP grew by just 1.8% in the first quarter of the year ; most commentators expect growth for the year to be no more than 2.5% , if that .
21 Rationality turns into narrow intellectualism , freedom into licence , independence into isolationism , dignity into selfish pride ; the autonomous human being turns out to be no more than a social atom after all .
22 It is much more likely to be no more than a reflection of the fact that almost everything we know about Richard as Duke of Aquitaine comes from an English chronicler , Roger of Howden , and Roger only has information when he has access to the reports sent by Richard to his father , that is to say when Henry is in England .
23 ( 1.3 ) The possible argument consists in the premiss ( 1 ) that decisions and the like are taken to be effects but also to be no more than events which follow on conditions which are required for them , the further premiss ( 2 ) that it is to be presumed that we have a single conception of effects rather than several , and the conclusion ( 3 ) that all effects , including what have been called standard effects , are merely events preceded by conditions required for them .
24 So understood , they share the idea that we , or many of us , take effects to be no more than probable events .
25 Need it be emphasized that this exposition claims to be no more than schematic ?
26 The first English gold coin was struck only in 1255 and it was not until 1344 that the country was able to begin to sustain what proved to be no more than half a millennium of minting a gold denomination in its regular coinage .
27 Although upon return to Canada for what might prove to be no more than a temporary visit the mother 's situation might be unsatisfactory and she might suffer discomfort or perhaps even hardship , there is no evidence that there is a risk , let alone a great one , that the child 's return would place him in a situation which is intolerable .
28 She had intended this to be no more than a comradely rebuke .
29 Such is the standard of junior sides in this competition that the game appeared to be no more than a formality for us , so our 4–1 defeat came as a complete surprise .
30 The Divisional Court upheld the scheme adopted by the GLC but the ground on which they did so seemed to be no more than that ‘ since the LTE could exercise its function to balance its revenue account by a grant from the GLC , a policy that reduced fares by means of such a grant was not unlawful ’ .
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