Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When Stacey was found , Mrs Queripel told police she had disappeared from the family 's flat in Birch Hill , Bracknell , after being sent to bed early .
2 Her parents had taken her to the doctor because of breathing problems and after being sent to hospital it was discovered L had extensive bruising across the buttocks .
3 TOTTENHAM striker Gordon Durie will be out of action for two weeks after being rushed to hospital last night for an operation on his left knee .
4 She died in September , three days after being rushed to hospital with multiple injuries which , doctors said at her inquest , could not have been caused accidentally .
5 NIGHTCLUB boss Lincoln Pennant plunged 35ft onto spiked railings after being blasted to death by mobsters .
6 After being entertained to food the bride 's kin departed .
7 THE explorers Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Dr Michael Stroud were tucking into a hearty breakfast of eggs yesterday after being airlifted to safety from the icy wastes of the Antarctic .
8 Separate aliquots of the same mucosal homogenates were assayed for peptic activity after being exposed to pH 8.0 by alkalinisation using 1N NaOH .
9 Two of the staff at the hostel which has places for 23 residents were detained overnight after being transferred to South Cleveland Hospital .
10 Note : Remember that many food colourings take a little while to develop to their full intensity after being added to icing or marzipan , especially in the case of red and black .
11 Natural death : Cleveland coroner Michael Sheffield recorded a verdict of natural causes on retired labourer James Hamilton , 67 , of Blakelock Road , Hartlepool , who died ten days after being admitted to South Cleveland Hospital , Middlesbrough .
12 After being admitted to hospital where she received treatment for breathing problems , she was said not to need any further treatment ( or was ‘ blocking a bed ’ which is not at all the same thing ) and discharged into a nursing home .
13 He suffered the severest form of tetraplegia short of being condemned to life on a ventilator. — PA
14 Instead of being condemned to death he felt condemned to life , like these worker-convicts in the rain and cold and mud of a no-man 's land .
15 Neither is fair , in the sense of being related to income , and thus ability to pay .
16 It also allowed execution against the trust property itself , instead of being bound to condemnation in a sum of money .
17 Jonah , disliking the task for unexplained reasons which might have had something to do with a fear of being stoned to death by the partying Ninevites , ran away .
18 ‘ There was general anticipation of regulations which would insist that more difficult wastes were burned instead of being sent to landfill . ’
19 The gipsies , instead of being sent to prison for stealing a pony , were only fined for stealing potatoes and oats .
20 ‘ I would not have expected to accompany you on a romantic walk with your girlfriend , ’ Jenna said hotly , her cheeks flushing at this idea of being relegated to invalidity again .
21 ( Died of Parkinson 's disease and pneumonia aged 73 within 24 hours of being readmitted to hospital after being in an old people 's home for less than a month . )
22 This may well have been the case in September 1987 but I thought most reviewers were scared to dive in and uncover the record 's moments of uncoordinated parody for fear of being trampled to death by hordes of rampant Smiths devotees .
23 Instead of being directed to Platform Number One , the mighty Riddles designed 4-6-2 engine was attached to the front of the humble BR workhorse and shunted the shunter into another siding .
24 Local authorities will have a duty to keep the streets clean , on pain of being taken to court by members of the public .
25 Bureaux that ignore the new laws run the risk of being taken to court by local trading standards authorities , and fined .
26 For a tradesman or businessman to allow himself to become over indebted to the extent of being taken to court , let alone jailed , remained a slur if not , at least temporarily , a disgrace and a mark of unreliability .
27 One local SD report stated frankly that after the November speech hostile opinion could hardly be registered because of the fear ‘ of being brought to reckoning ’ .
28 It has been estimated that every year about 300 000 patients in the United Kingdom experience some form of harm as a result of being admitted to hospital , and if claims for medical negligence are to be minimised it is vitally important that doctors ensure that the patient has carefully considered the potential risks of any procedure as well as its likely benefits .
29 It is important to remember that the experience of being admitted to hospital and having an operation is not " routine " for the patient ( or his family ) .
30 Given the distribution of scores among their controls , we estimate that people above the upper quartile had at least a twofold higher risk of being admitted to hospital for acute myocardial infarction than did people with a score of zero .
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