Example sentences of "[prep] the same [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
2 There must also be no opportunity for anyone to claim that you have been given , or are giving , preferential treatment which puts you or others at an advantage , for example , over other organisations who may be tendering for the same work or other colleagues working for the organisation .
3 Language understanding is generally regarded as being of greater importance than generation , since understanding requires the recognition of many paraphrases for the same command or information , whereas generation may be satisfied with the production of just one .
4 Task allocation is a method of organising work so that one person in the workforce is always responsible for the same task or tasks .
5 Those who return for the same symptoms or are referred may require more attention .
6 Has anyone got any I mean I you do n't all need to write about the same thing or anything .
7 Where the people rest with their wood or timber and unload it from carts outside the close of the franchise of the Charterhouse among the towns , and afterwards take up their loads of the same wood or timber , the Foresters attach them and amerce them grievously at their will without right .
8 His mental rhythm is characterized by a demand for endless repetition of the same event or events , and change for him means essentially some abrupt transformation .
9 Two sources offering different accounts of the same issue or event , provide the history teacher with another very useful device .
10 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
11 Co-operation can work well between libraries of the same type or between libraries of different types , depending upon extent of joint needs , and practical factors such as proximity and location .
12 Many public librarians therefore prefer to discard a damaged book and replace it with a new copy of the same title or with another book altogether .
13 the likelihood of the damage or of its being severe was due to characteristics of the animal which are not normally found in animals of the same species or are not normally so found except at particular times or in particular circumstances ; and
14 Similarly , where in different strata of the same excavation or in separate sites discontinuities in the styles of artefacts occur , these indicate that different manufacturing communities are involved .
15 Roughly , linguistic communication consists in the production of some external , publicly observable , acoustic phenomenon whose phonetic and syntactic structure encodes a speaker 's inner , private thoughts or ideas and the decoding of the phonetic and syntactic structure exhibited in such a physical phenomenon by other speakers in the form of an inner private experience of the same thoughts or ideas .
16 With the most aggressive species this intolerance may extend to species of other fish families and any fish of the same shape or colour is liable to be attacked .
17 This last question is crucial ; if the condition is satisfied , different codes may prescribe different behaviour within the societies they organize yet still be reconciled , never contradicting each other 's judgements of the same person or action .
18 The reliability of a test is measured by correlation between the test scores , obtained at two different times , between different forms of the same test or between samples of questions in different parts of the same test .
19 Two subjects at the same level in the hierarchy ( for example , both subdivisions of the same parent or superordinate subject ) are said to be coordinate .
20 There is also a wide , wide disparity in the paper qualifications of teachers between different parts of the same country or between urban and rural areas .
21 When a large number of copies of the same document or form are required , they can be duplicated or photocopied from a master copy .
22 Is it to avoid confusion with other films of the same name or is it to give hapless viewers an idea of who they were dating , or supposed to be dating , at the time ?
23 Goldthorpe argues that in the British case the effects have been strikingly asymmetrical : the expanding upper occupational strata show a low ‘ demographic homogeneity ’ ( i.e. a low proportion of members whose fathers were members of the same stratum or class ) , while the manual wage-earning classes , dwindling in size , show a very high level of demographic homogeneity : there has been little pressure for recruitment of manual workers from beyond the ranks of existing manual workers ' families .
24 subordinates in a work group are all of the same quality or type ; and
25 Payment shall not be made to the Insured Person under more than one of the benefits ( a ) to ( c ) in respect of the same injury or of the same period of disablement .
26 These two kinds of deictic usage contrast with the non-deictic usage of the same words or morphemes .
27 Accordingly , depending upon whether a bank holder of a bill of lading sued in the United States or in England he could get $500 instead of £100 for loss of the same package or unit of freight .
28 Not only in Victoria and Quebec , but in South Africa and in every American state liability has been established in negligence for the consequences of pre-natal injury — though not always on the basis of the same reasoning or principle .
29 ‘ of a qualified driver ’ The supervisor must be a ‘ qualified driver ’ as defined in regulation 9(6) of the Motor Vehicles ( Driving Licences ) Regulations 1987 , namely , a person who holds a full licence authorising him to drive as a full licence holder a motor vehicle of the same class or description as the vehicle being driven by the holder of the provisional licence .
30 Horses of the same family or the same breed are more likely to be empathic , and so to get on together the best .
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