Example sentences of "[prep] the [det] time as " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not naive , I know others will make more be back with more bids because he 's such a top -class goal scorer , ’ says the manager , who has just signed a contract keeping him at Hillsborough for the same time as Hirst .
2 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
3 Lead was first used at about the same time as copper , though it was seldom used to make artefacts in its own right .
4 They spread there from the area of the Aegean at about the same time as the Israelite tribes themselves moved into the land from the east .
5 The great Morrissey is currently putting the finishing touches to his new solo album , and a single engagingly entitled We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful will be in the stores about the same time as Johnny Rogan 's book .
6 About the same time as this incident , when he was fifteen , Richard Baxter experienced a spiritual awakening .
7 Near the shore , old raised-beach deposits can be observed throughout the region , representing changes in sea levels at about the same time as the glacial episode .
8 At or about the same time as the 2D was announced , Philips unveiled the PL lamp .
9 Moreover , they must be able to anticipate IBM 's future strategy and be prepared to launch a competitive product at about the same time as IBM .
10 Violet saw her mistake about the same time as the card .
11 This was erected in 1801 at about the same time as some of the farmhouses in the parish .
12 At about the same time as Jayne and Dave were tying the knot , creative director Nadia Marks was limbering up for the 20th anniversary of her wedding to writer husband Graham , whom she met at art school .
13 Anne took delivery of the £93,000 Blue Doublet in April , about the same time as her divorce from Captain Mark Phillips .
14 The Roots , a drawing done at about the same time as Sorrow , was conceived quite deliberately as a companion piece , He paired them because he was trying to say the same thing in both .
15 Brasher Boots arrived about the same time as the K-SB3 , but were developed from the running shoe .
16 At about the same time as he issued his threat of deposition to all the abbots of Normandy , he ordered Anselm to send him his Monologion and Proslogion , perhaps initially for censure , and it may have been through Hugh that Gregory VII knew Anselm 's works .
17 Apple Computer Inc 's second batch of Newtons will be notebook-sized versions of the device which it expects to ship at about the same time as the small first model , according to MacWeek : the notebook will have a landscape-mode screen with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels ; the notepad , in contrast , has a small portrait-mode screen ; Apple will also deliver its first PCMCIA slot in the Newton this summer , but a slot for the PowerBook laptops may be further away .
18 In Britain , this began to happen at about the same time as the emergence of positivist criminology — though , again , this is not to suggest any simple causal relation , in either direction ( see Garland , 1985b ) .
19 They were working at about the same time as Turner and Constable and shared those artists ’ concerns in relation to painting directly from nature , which Dahl described as Naturvei — nature 's Way .
20 Erm , about the same time as Terry Waite ?
21 He must have been working on the paper about the same time as he was writing the papers of Totem and Taboo , or just afterwards .
22 At about the same time as the State Department was receiving this cable from their most senior man on the spot , Secretary of State Byrnes was cabling the Paris embassy that the French were planning to reconquer Tonkin and might set up a puppet government ; while in Hanoi the French commander , General Morlière , was claiming that the US and Chinese consuls had denounced the ‘ criminal and bestial folly ’ of the Vietminh ; although apparently they had n't said a word one way or the other .
23 At about the same time as The School Curriculum was being prepared by the DES , the now defunct Schools Council was preparing its own document .
24 One of the refugees who arrived from Hungary about the same time as Reichmann was Emmanuel Hollander , who would become his partner in numerous business ventures .
25 He needed no reminder that it was his own union which had prospered in many British ports while Tillett 's Tea Operatives ' Union established in July 1887 at about the same time as his own had failed even to develop any wider organization in the Port of London itself .
26 You saw in fact the lady as you came in about the same time as you came in who does that .
27 Wings was subsequently sold by Rank to Horizon at about the same time as Horizon was itself purchased more or less outright by Bass for £90 million in May 1987 .
28 Within a few weeks of his arrival , we had shown that , half an hour after training ( that is , about the same time as the changes in membrane phosphorylation ) , there is a dramatic increase in the expression of c-fos and c-jun proteins in cells of the IMHV .
29 A report published at about the same time as this scheme was being inaugurated suggests , however , that BES competition for limited funds may damage housing associations by raising the cost of borrowing .
30 And in the same square stood the parish church of Santa Croce , built at about the same time as the castle .
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