Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] ' house " in BNC.

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1 My wife acted as housekeeper for the officers ' houses and Mrs Weaverhurst , the headmistress , took charge of St Michael 's .
2 Everyone , it seemed , was anxious to contribute , and ‘ Oh , the rubbish that turns up for the Dolls ' House . ’
3 It was made for the Dolls ' House by Hardy Bros Ltd. and presented by Mr W. Hardy , father of today 's Marketing Director , Mr James Hardy , who found this invitation discarded with some rubbish when the factory moved in 1965 .
4 Father Christmas had brought lovely things : tiny dolls for the dolls ' house , new toothbrushes and combs , sparkling jewellery , pencils , rubbers , hairbands and lots more .
5 The Gnomes had gone to considerable trouble ; Culdub and Bith had sat up long hours and consulted books and chronicles and there had been much burning of late candles and worried scurryings to and fro between the Gnomes ' houses in the little mountain village .
6 As in many large houses of today and yesterday , the names of Minton , Doulton and Wedgwood run through the Dolls ' House china cupboards .
7 Dot peered in through the tiny curtained windows of the dolls ' house and saw quiet furnished rooms , the playroom , kitchen , parlour , waiting to be lived in , a table set for tea , beds to be slept in , armchairs to be sat on .
8 The prospective idea of the dolls ' house began to fall into place .
9 Lutyens and his friends , among them Sir Lawrence Weaver , Director Designate of the United Kingdom exhibits at the exhibition , quickly realised that the building of the dolls ' house could easily be integrated into this project , and would be an invaluable advertisement to promote the names and products of the top British designers , craftsmen and artists of the time .
10 A distinctive feature of the Dolls ' House was that almost without exception every item in it was specifically commissioned and an integral part of the whole gift — only a few pieces in the house were found in the antique trade or private collections .
11 The outer shell of the Dolls ' House is in classical ‘ Wrenaissance ’ design with the main facade on the north side .
12 Lawrence Weaver , whose work as an author had contributed much to Lutyens 's recognition as an architect , wrote of the Dolls ' House in 1924 that ‘ The planning of a strictly symmetrical house like this is one of the shrewdest tasks that can be set an architect . ’
13 Lutyens 's handling of space was a notable feature of his work , and the main hall of the Dolls ' House , rising through three floors with lobbies on either side to give access to the main apartments , is particularly successful in this respect .
14 From the preface of the original illustrated catalogue of the Dolls ' House at the Empire Exhibition
15 There were commercial laundries in the 1920s and the large linen hampers that took two people to carry them to the laundry van show that this was a luxury enjoyed by the inhabitants of the Dolls ' House .
16 It is interesting for today 's connoisseur to look at the cellar list of the Dolls ' House and ruminate on the joys of opening a bottle or two .
17 The village was a scene of devastation with most of the villagers ' houses flattened by mainly British shellfire .
18 Mother Bombie asked Evelyn as they trudged up the shingle path towards the girls ' house .
19 From a position , parked a few yards down the road from the Stones ' house , Bodie watched as Anne Hanvey finally delivered Nick to the house .
20 I could imagine him sprawled on the floor of the pool room in the boys ' house , a long , lean figure in a white kandora unbuttoned at the neck , around him three or four young men waiting to play football , to drive , to beat the drums or follow him wherever he wanted to go .
21 In the parents ' houses the Dynmouth Hards crept upstairs and into bedrooms in which other people slept , considerate because in their homes they were required to be .
22 ‘ Is tea still served in the Doctors ' House ? ’
23 From Tom Lofthouse I had heard he was not popular in the Doctors ' House , yet , conversely and amazingly to anyone who had been his junior , our Dr Jones rated as a favourite pin-up in the Staff Nurse 's Home .
24 With Chrissie so shaken up , it would be good to have a second voice in the Stones ' house that could exert some control over the eleven-year-old .
25 Sir Edwin Lutyens in the 1920s in a ‘ Napoleon ’ armchair , two of which are in the Dolls ' House library .
26 There are two unique aspects to the collection of books in the Dolls ' House library .
27 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
28 It approximates to a miniature octavo book , while others in the Dolls ' House library are more like reduced folios .
29 Three of the 700 drawings stored in the Dolls ' House .
30 It is one of eight in the Dolls ' House , all worked with royal cyphers and the great orders of chivalry .
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