Example sentences of "[prep] the same time he " in BNC.

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31 As a young man , Sewell appeared to some observers to be eccentric and reserved , but at the same time he was looked upon as a steady , attentive and exemplary apprentice .
32 At the same time he wrote to Phillips offering him advice that would help him avoid trickery ( Phillips ignored this advice ) .
33 In the cause of historical justice , it should be noticed how he seemed always to feel obliged to express caution about too readily assigning to the cosmical redshift all the attributes of an ordinary velocity shift ; at the same time he seemed to wish not positively to offer any alternative treatment .
34 At the same time he was given a course of anti-fungal drugs .
35 But at the same time he composed a Third Concerto which he never played or published .
36 At the same time he checks the mouth for any other problems that may have evolved since his previous visit and , because every month is different , he can give valuable advice to the horse owner on the shape of the mouth and type of bit most suitable for the individual horse .
37 Believe he could not , and at the same time he had no firm conviction that all was untrue .
38 Churchill was prime minister , and though he found it politic in the face of American and Labour pressure to allow negotiations about India 's constitutional future to go on , at the same time he ensured that all such negotiations came to nought .
39 ‘ When I was ten , my Dad bought me a guitar for Christmas , which I 'd asked for , but at the same time he enrolled me at the local golf club !
40 At the same time he or she is backing up in an eccentric centre circle so that the flight pattern resembles that of the snail design .
41 Earlier Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes said that in a month Mr Lamont could announce proposals which would make 10 million people ineligible for legal aid yet at the same time he had been ‘ allowed £4,000 , his own private legal aid scheme , to pay his own private bill for an entirely private matter ’ .
42 ‘ Not only was he doing all that , but at the same time he was taking his firm into the merger with Peats .
43 He was pretending that the errand was a nuisance , though at the same time he was grinning with pleasure at the thought of taking McIllvanney 's brand new sportsboat to sea .
44 At the same time he knew that she would be aware that he had never been with a woman before .
45 The incongruity was that at the same time he was convinced of retribution in this world .
46 At the same time he had no doubt that paganism itself was weak and cruel .
47 Yet at the same time he was edging back from his long concern with heroic valour , or hobbitic moral courage .
48 She remembered him laughing kindly as he said this , because he liked Joe , he liked Joe very much ; but at the same time he felt guilty about him , because in a way he had made use of him as a sort of cover .
49 At the same time he realised that there was some form of seniority behind the counter , and that Maggie was in charge .
50 At the same time he keeps the real mountain intact , and Hinderstoisser , Kurz and company as historical markers .
51 Myers may be mining his adolescence for material , but at the same time he 's giving a continent 's youth big-screen justification for its own sedentary existence .
52 But at the same time he deserves a pat on the back because of some of the saves he had to make .
53 But at the same time he had another libertarian trait — he was shambolically organized .
54 But at the same time he totally disagrees with the way she has given the banks a free hand to put resources behind new ‘ non-industries ’ such as the service industries , and concentrate economic wealth in the south .
55 First , both in his childhood home and in his education in Moravian schools , he was imbued with a deep and warm Christian piety which never left him ; but at the same time he reacted against what he felt to be a too strict insistence by his father and his teachers on doctrinal principles .
56 At the same time he denounces both the ‘ painted ’ Roman church for its wanton attachment to ritual and relics , and the ‘ undressed ’ Calvinism of Geneva which , he claimed , excluded all decency and decorum from religious observance .
57 At the same time he was pursuing his preference for bilateral meetings : these culminated during the first two months of 1961 with his meeting first with the British premier , Harold Macmillan , and then with Konrad Adenauer .
58 At the same time he also passed to us a folder containing photographs of the crashed aircraft .
59 He examined her carapace , her tough coiled-spring legs ; and knew that he was examining Meh'Lindi intimately , yet at the same time he was n't .
60 Sharpe shouted , and at the same time he raked his spurs back so savagely that the exhausted and astonished mare jerked forward , almost spilling Sharpe out of his tall Hussar 's saddle .
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