Example sentences of "[prep] the first [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
2 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
3 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
4 A spank on the bottom never failed to produce its first howl of protest , then the cleansing process took place , and the ‘ miracle ’ was wrapped inside a cosy , warm blanket — then it was placed next to Mother for the first looks of adoration and wonder .
5 On 25th May , while the German army raced ruthlessly across Belgium and the inhabitants of England watched their skies for the first signs of airborne invasion , the scientists in the Oxford Pathology Department performed a crucial experiment .
6 The old nomes grumbled among themselves , and scanned the sky anxiously for the first signs of robins or reindeer .
7 Over in Cheltenham , Frank Ford has been watching out for the first signs of winter .
8 Claudia lying in her hut listening for the first sounds of life .
9 He sat on a couch of deerskin , under the awning of his tent , a long , sinewy man in the prime of his powers , forty-eight years old , black of eye and black of hair , but for the first frostings of grey at temple and lip .
10 Similarly , for the first interpretations of the sentences in ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ( a ) , with the attributive adjective , the questions would be : ( 8 ) which general did he paint ? which character does she want to play ?
11 Although the excavators have warned that these dates are only a broad indication of that of the complex and segmented line which is this phase of the Danevirke as a whole , they nevertheless believe that in a period of danger from Germany Harald rebuilt the central section , and was also responsible for the first phases of the flanking lines to east and west .
12 The Zimbabwe Scientific Programme ( ZIMSCI ) project is designed to support teachers not trained in science and to provide a complete science package with low-cost kits for the first years of secondary school .
13 For the first years of the Whig period after The Reform Act of 1832 , the government 's financial policies had seemed successful , but a change for the worse was now taking place .
14 Again , I remember a great many rehearsals , sixty or seventy each for the first performances of the Bach or the Beethoven .
15 We had Behrens , we had the designs — have you seen the set for the first performances of Salome ?
16 MAGAZINES are bidding for the first photos of five-day-old Louis , son of Princess Stephanie of Monaco , right .
17 The detailed work for the first drafts of the Information memorandum can usefully be carried out by non-MAS staff using example documentation .
18 For the first months of the war , therefore , Franco proceeded with caution as he sought ways of using the conflict to Spain 's and his own advantage .
19 During the first stages of pregnancy , the growing foetus is extremely vulnerable and so early diagnosis , using a home pregnancy test , can be essential to its health development — especially if you need to improve your health and fitness .
20 Although progress in passing European single market laws was painfully slow during the first months of the French presidency , Paris hands over to Dublin this month amid a last-minute rush of important agreements .
21 Most Germans were in expectant but uneasy mood during the first months of 1940 .
22 All this occurred during the first months of the Awlad Amira administration , while Mannaia still smarted from electoral defeat ; and at that time some lineages did not exclude the possibility of further Tibbu reprisals after the earlier fighting and homicides .
23 It saw a slight recovery of demand for its products by the end of 1992 and during the first months of 1993 .
24 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
25 According to Western reports , during the first months of 1990 the Khmers Rouges increased their infiltration of fighters and supplies from their border camps into Cambodia proper .
26 During the first months of his presidency , the pressure to adopt a more aggressive policy mounted .
27 Probably the people whose advice had put him behind in the polls during the first weeks of the campaign .
28 During the first weeks of the new year ruthless reprisals helped restore order to urban Russia .
29 Anna Freud ( 1943 , 1960 ) , who had been one of the first to call attention to the emotional difficulties of small children separated from their mothers , attacked from yet another angle , affirming the emotional need , not only in the baby but in his mother , to be together during the first weeks of the child 's life , and criticizing maternity hospital practice that separated the two .
30 There was no hint of the troubling flirtatiousness which had confused her on earlier occasions , yet neither was his manner that of the ‘ matey , all good pals together ’ variety which he had adopted during the first weeks of their friendship .
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