Example sentences of "[prep] the first [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The Literary Lionisers , having commanded their maids and valets , if they had them , to unpack , or if they had not , scurried through this tedious task themselves , were gathering for the first event of the week , the promenade around Dickens 's Broadstairs .
2 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
3 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
4 ‘ It is projected to average £33 billion annually to the turn of the century and grow to £45 billion a year for the first decade of the new century .
5 When the ground was marshy , brushwood and timber provided a ‘ raft ’ for the first layer of stones .
6 His mind recalled the familiar ambience of his trade ; men moving like black shadows behind the glare of the arc-lights the police cars tidily parked ; the flap of the screens , desultory voices conferring as they watched for the first lights of his approaching car .
7 These meetings were a dress-rehearsal for the first session of the Council .
8 In 1980 , a group of young musicians met in the University for the first rehearsal of what has since become one of the country 's leading brass ensembles .
9 The minutes dragged while they listened for the first hum of the approaching helicopter .
10 Before lining up for the first race of the season it 's off to the now-standard bits-and-bobs shop , where you can spend up to $100,000 upgrading your jalopy .
11 The figures deepened City anxiety over the outlook for inflation which is now expected to end the year between 7.5 and 7.75 per cent and remain above 7 per cent for the first quarter of 1990 .
12 The SD report for the first quarter of 1939 mentioned the speech only in the context of factors influencing the German press to fix attention firmly on foreign policy developments , and made a brief reference to Hitler 's remarks on the ‘ Church problem ’ .
13 Later this month , it will announce an operating profit for the first quarter of 1992 , the second quarter running in which it has been profitable : the last quarter of 1991 produced a small profit of $80 million , although the year as a whole showed a $1.4 billion loss on turnover of $8.6 billion .
14 Sterling Chemicals announced a 97 per cent fall in net profits to $700000 for the first quarter of 1992 compared to the previous year .
15 He reckons we are going into it on the last of the downward slope this winter , and then will run along on level ground for the first quarter of 1993 .
16 Leeds-based CST Distribution , the Acer Group Altos arm of CST Group Ltd has reported booming sales figures for the first quarter of 1993 .
17 Cap Gemini Sogeti SA said turnover for the first quarter of 1993 fell 2.7% to the equivalent of $537m .
18 The Vodafone Ltd arm of Vodafone Group Plc says gross new connections for its British cellular telephone network for the first quarter of 1993 totalled 92,775 ; net new connections totalled 43,911 , and at the end of the quarter , Vodafone had more than 838,000 subscribers connected to its cellular network , 85,000 of them on the new LowCall tariff that it launched in October .
19 In the second release , set for the first quarter of 1994 , comprehensive internetwork management capabilities will be added , enabling the network management system to discover , display and maintain the physical and logical topology of all major network devices automatically .
20 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , facing probably the biggest crisis in its history now that it is confronted with an administration not prepared to pour ever more good taxpayers ' money after bad ( CI No 2,166 ) , yesterday reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m ; sales slumped 16.5% to $422m and rentals and services fell 5.1% to $521m .
21 A spokesman at IBM Corp 's East European headquarters in Vienna claimed that the company exceeded the internal sales targets set for the first quarter of 1993 , and succeeded in increasing its turnover in the region by around 30% when compared with the same period last year .
22 Reporting first quarter figures for the first time — nothing like good news to encourage such a move — SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV said net profit for the first quarter of 1993 was $24.4m on sales up 28.1% at $439m ; in the year to December 31 it had net profit of $3m compared with a loss of $102.6m the year before ; first quarter orders soared by 91.2% to $726.8m .
23 Chevron 's net profits for the first quarter of this year ( adjusted for changes in accounting ) were $101m , 47% higher than for the same period a year earlier .
24 Estimates for the first quarter of 1993 will not be available until mid-June .
25 The X Business Group rates DEC third in X-terminal shipments for the first quarter of 1992 , after Network Computing Devices Inc and HP .
26 60% of the Progress ' revenue is currently derived from Unix sales : he anticipates sales of Progress on proprietary operating systems to increase , and a port to Hewlett Packard Co 's proprietary MPE-based 3000 systems is planned for the first quarter of 1994 .
27 And now facing probably the biggest crisis in its history , Bull last week reported that turnover for the first quarter of the year crashed by 10.6% , to the equivalent of $943m .
28 UK , Leeds-based CST Distribution , the Acer Group Altos arm of CST Group Ltd has reported booming sales figures for the first quarter of 1993 .
29 As expected ( UX No 436 ) , Banyan Systems Inc has now signed with IBM Corp 's Advanced Workstation Division to put its Vines for Unix network operating system up on the RS/6000 family — availability is slated for the first quarter of next year .
30 For the first quarter of 1992 , worldwide turnover was $14,000m , up what is a very modest 3.3% for a company that not long ago was perceived as an engine of relentless growth .
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