Example sentences of "he went " in BNC.

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1 The better things presumed to be in store for Glasser when he went off as a scholarship boy to a glamorous university in the South of England are , in a sense , the subject of Gorbals Boy at Oxford , his second volume of autobiography .
2 Dog at his heels as he went off down the road .
3 I explained to him about the boxing-match and the waterfall and he went up close and examined the glass minutely , different areas of it , taking his time .
4 And so saying he went into the tiny village police station with its distinctive blue lamp and the lettering chiselled into the stone above the doorway which said ‘ King 's Magnum Parva Police Station ’ .
5 Her husband had always been the centre of attention wherever he went — large , handsome , charming : a vote-getter by trade and inclination .
6 He went on and on about it until I could cheerfully have strangled him . ’
7 I made straight for the curtains , and he went by me without noticing .
8 ‘ Yes , he went out , put the ladder against the wall briefly to leave traces , threw a bit of mud through the window , and the key , and scattered more mud around the rose bed .
9 ‘ Now I know what else it was Dr Iverson did when he went through to see to the claret before dinner . ’
10 He could have complained to the top about my basic lack of professionalism but instead he went out of his way to try and help — and sometimes got pretty short shrift in return .
11 He went away and I started to look down at my hands again .
12 He went away again .
13 He went over to pick up a coffee for himself , then came back over and sat down .
14 Unwilling to accept this constraint , he went on to ask ‘ why not ? ’ ( again in written report ) and was informed reasons were never given ; the official line was simply to refuse all such requests .
15 Again , as I recorded in a fieldnote , this assistant chief exhibited aspects of what I could only then describe as ‘ institutional paranoia ’ , when he went on to deride an unnamed social scientist who had been allowed research facilities inside a police force ( unspecified ) .
16 And he went .
17 He went ? ’ said Jay , incredulous .
18 Faces turned , bodies gave way a little , and he went up to the Cross and took the crumpled sheet .
19 Sir John Menzies was part of that , by his marriage to Atholl 's daughter , and Atholl dined and intrigued with the Lord Advocate when he went to Edinburgh for the season .
20 As he watched , a young lad suddenly stooped behind Stewart and made a piggy-back , another lad shouldered him , and over he went , falling heavily while people nearest roared and laughed .
21 He went out on to the landing , opened a window , and called out to the crowd : ‘ What do you want ? who are you ? ’
22 He went out and Robertson heard the hooves of his garron clopping on the road .
23 We do swear — ’ He paused , and a murmur followed him with some clearer , harsher voices audible amongst it : ‘ We do swear — ’ He went on : ‘ Never to swerve , ’ and they said it together , ‘ Never to swerve — from our present path — till we have cleansed the country — or this oppressive Act .
24 James retorted , and he went over to unlock his warehouse and take delivery of a cartload of barrels from Dunkeld .
25 ‘ One time , a tinker put in a day here , mending pans , and at night off he went , with my best tools hidden in his bundle .
26 He went in doubtingly .
27 He went over the Tay to Aberfeldy more to keep Flemyng quiet than with any hope of working .
28 They had worked together for several years and the elder of them readily agreed to help supply the other 's son if he went into hiding in the woods above Eastertyre .
29 The damp wind blowing in at the open door made him shiver and he went to wake the others .
30 Sucking his torn finger-end , he went into the cell next his own and sat on the floor , his back against the wall , looking at the scraps of scratched lettering on the distemper opposite him .
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