Example sentences of "be many " in BNC.

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1 Difficulties can be many , at the top of the list being the number of items to be catalogued .
2 But , you know , there may be many other reasons why it is important for him to get to the top so quickly .
3 For every incident which causes damage to a glider while it is being flown , there must be many more that happen because of careless or thoughtless ground handling .
4 There will be many causes , James — let us not be speculating , and frightening ourselves .
5 There must be many who are touched to the heart by that phrase ‘ earthly father ’ and yet who do n't believe a word of the novel 's religion ; just as , and more obviously , Raskolnikov 's kissing the dirt in the middle of the Haymarket does n't stand or fall by Dostoevsky 's Soil Philosophy .
6 One problem is that there do not seem to be many potentially blue-chip names in the pipeline , ready to join what is now a severely restricted group .
7 The result could be many hundreds of independents in the UK by the end of the next decade .
8 There can not be many who would say the same of Tyson .
9 ‘ There will be many people who wo n't like it , wo n't like it at all , and will walk out .
10 The organisation that is demonstrated by the London collection deserves a marking of 10 out of 10 but there must be many more collection points in the country that deserve similar consideration by ‘ the centre ’ .
11 Thousands who heard her singing to the troopships passing through Durban remember ‘ The Lady in White ’ , and there will be many who will appreciate the opportunity of hearing her story through the medium of audio tape .
12 He must have courage since there will be many obstacles to the achievement of his objectives .
13 Given this , he is clearly not the servant to ‘ Peace and Humanity ’ that Leeds University has billed him , and there must surely be many people who deserve the honour more obviously .
14 To presuppose this is both contradictory and dangerous ; contradictory because the West can not insist on a certain outcome from free elections and still uphold democracy ; dangerous because , if the confusion of the two in the public mind persists , there will be many more instances of superpowers subverting elected governments because they have not opted for a market economy .
15 A vaccine against HIV is still likely to be many years away but Dr Michael Murphey-Corb , who led the Tulane team , said he hoped ‘ to see something in five years . ’
16 Lord Boyd-Carpenter said that criticism was unhappily ‘ not confined to the other side ’ and it would be many years before the scheme would bear fruit .
17 In the harsher 1990s there will not be many corks popping at companies that fail to :
18 It could be many years before the Department of Trade and Industry decided to take action — or not , as in the case of the brewers .
19 There must be many thousands of them scattered round Britain .
20 The technique of engraving was therefore not really feasible until iron and steel tools came into use at the end of the second millennium BC , yet this piece purports to be many hundreds of years older .
21 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
22 There is no reason to suppose that such effects are confined to the victims of rape as traditionally defined : although sexual assaults vary in their degree , there may be many other forms of sexual assault which are serious enough to create such profound physical and psychological after-effects .
23 There may be many reasons why the husband and wife do not make any formal agreement about separation , but this should not entitle a husband to return and force himself upon his wife weeks , months , or even years since he last saw her .
24 There appear to be many small churches , often of wood , served by a single priest , in ninth-century Europe ; in England , on the other hand , the first signs of such a phenomenon occur in the tenth century .
25 At this stage there can often be many losses at the same time .
26 But , somehow , there seem to be many more emotions than those listed above which are extremely important to us and the horse .
27 Something that he has to accept , however , is that there will be many , too many , occasions when great chunks of research or preparation are never used .
28 On the other hand , there would be many unintended casualties of Labour 's plans .
29 Speaking after the news that the Liberal Democrats had taken Cheltenham , he prophesied that before the night was out there would be many more new Liberal Democrat Members of Parliament .
30 When Peter 's little daughter sings an excruciating Leslie Bricusse lyric about being all alone , there will be many a dry eye-patch in the house .
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