Example sentences of "be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Note , too , that if you write ironically you may seem to be satirising the question , or the process of analytical writing about literature more generally .
2 It is rather expensive — there are so many competing demands for the raw material — so you will naturally be sparing with it .
3 At this stage the Collector seemed to be sparing only occupied beds and charpoys , his own desk and chair , and the Louis XVI table from the drawing-room .
4 His wife might even be sparing a thought for the murdered women 's families , never guessing that the man she was married to had been the perpetrator .
5 There is no totally ‘ green ’ energy source and if we want to help the environment we must be sparing with what we use and campaign for renewable energy sources — like wind , wave and solar power — to be invested in and taken more seriously .
6 So far as boilerplate conditions are concerned , the draftsman can add these to the extent that they seem appropriate and necessary , although he should be sparing given that the aim of the exercise is to produce a relatively short set of commercially acceptable terms and conditions .
7 If there were large regions of anti-matter in our galaxy , we would expect to observe large quantities of radiation from the borders between the regions of matter and antimatter , where many particles would be colliding with their antiparticles , annihilating each other and giving off high energy radiation .
8 When I suggest to Hopkins that many abductees could in fact be drawing on repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and , as a result of bad hypnosis , end up believing mistakenly that they were messed around with by aliens instead , he agrees it 's a possibility , but then argues that some cases of childhood sexual abuse may in fact be alien abductions .
9 Where would they be taking it to and who would be drawing ?
10 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
11 They ended with loss-making Continental involvement and directors said to be drawing two lots of salaries and dividends for the same service .
12 After half a century , the Hashemite adventure in Palestine seems to be drawing to its close .
13 Margaret Stanhope saw by the watch that never left his wrist that their unromantic interlude would soon be drawing to a close .
14 Lynda says that she did think long and hard about changing careers — not least about the fact that as a Stoy 's partner she could soon be drawing a six figure profit share , compared to the substantially lower salary she would get at C&R .
15 Because of these difficulties , there is a widespread view that auditors will regularly be drawing attention to inherent uncertainties surrounding the going concern .
16 I say , let pastels stand on their own merits , let them be drawing or colouring sticks , or crayons .
17 What you have to steal : If you have an expensive car sitting in the driveway , or inadvertently let slip in the pub about your latest classy hi-fi , you could be drawing attention to your house as being potentially worth breaking into .
18 To achieve this we shall be drawing upon the products of archaeologists ' research mostly carried out during the present century .
19 The clear danger was , however , that certain factions within the party leadership would not be so tolerant as Su Xiao Kang hoped and that the freer intellectual atmosphere of 1988 might be drawing to an end .
20 AN actress old enough to be drawing her pension begged to play glamorous Scarlett O'Hara in a sequel to Gone With The Wind .
21 Despite the fact that winter will soon be drawing in , many of you will , no doubt , be taking the opportunity for a late holiday in the sun and looking for suitably cool tops to pack in your suitcases .
22 It will be drawing on sale catalogues , periodicals and modern books on English furniture .
23 For what it 's worth , Silicon Graphics Inc and MIPS Computer Systems Inc are understood to be drawing together a new executive-level technical committee of the Advanced Computing Environment .
24 Waco : CULT leader David Koresh may be drawing out the 34-day stand-off with federal agents so it ends on a religious holiday and fulfils his prophecies , the FBI said .
25 Those remaining open may be drawing upon their stock for the summer programme .
26 We shall be drawing upon this case further , but for the moment we want to draw attention only to the way in which the reporter , by a particular choice of descriptive vocabulary , conveyed the impression that the actions of the group were meaningless .
27 The animal skulls resting on the mantelpiece came from as far afield as Arizona and India , and some were brought back to be drawing subjects in more works of art
28 We shall be drawing our examples from the professional knowledge , not only of teachers , but of media specialists and librarians , because they have much to suggest to us , and because their contributions within schools and without are important to what can be attempted and achieved .
29 In the hollow below , Bigwig seemed to be drawing to a close .
30 Unfortunately , it is not possible to state what the overall dependency total is , as most supplementary benefit claimants will also be drawing housing benefit .
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