Example sentences of "with any " in BNC.

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1 Please contact Noreen at the British Section with any possible offer .
2 The reason is that with Van Gogh art and life are not merely conditioned by each other to a greater degree than with any other artist , but actually merge with each other .
3 Obviously , sorting out the courses which are on offer can best be done by writing for the prospectus but with any application the question that will be of overriding importance is how you are going to finance your training .
4 And at the end of the day I have always found that the training programme is open to genuine ideas — in all the classes the aim is to build and shape the existing talent so that the actor can work effectively and truthfully when faced with any situation .
5 With any recovery from a steep dive , ‘ ease ’ is the operative word .
6 A pilot taking off in rain on a winch or car launch is at risk with any type of glider unless the launch is faster than normal .
7 With any type of aircraft the characteristics of a spin vary according to the loading , so that the spin becomes flatter as the c.g. is moved back .
8 They can advise you on how to cope with any difficulties .
9 Indeed the anonymous reviewer of the Pope and Weiner edition went on to propose that ‘ if the police staff college is to fulfil its task [ of producing a major project ] with any credibility , it must encourage its academic staff to go out into the field to study policing at first hand ’ .
10 In my early career , I set out to meet the demands of my peers and fulfil the necessary qualifications for assessment as a ‘ real polis ’ ; although there were few opportunities to flirt with any real forms of marginality !
11 While you can still hit the opponent with any one of your body weapons he , in effect , has turned away from you and can launch no direct attack without first twisting to face you .
12 The purpose of this chapter is to help you to deal with any injuries which you may pick up , so that they affect your fitness as little as possible .
13 You must make a value judgement as to whether you can cope with any further hard blows on the injury site .
14 He went over the Tay to Aberfeldy more to keep Flemyng quiet than with any hope of working .
15 The problem with any general behaviouristic account of knowledge is that it is impossible to make sense of any behavioural description without being able to make sense independently of statements about how the world is .
16 As with any form of power carving , safety raises its cautious head , especially when using the silver burrs .
17 Impetus given from or with any part of the body must coincide with the musical phrasing fur it indicates the performer is to make or is making an important statement .
18 Is the tale to be told in the short space of thirty or forty minutes with a minimal cast ? 1f so , then care should be taken to dispense with any dancer or item not essential to the action , e.g. Ashton eliminated several characters in Turgenev 's A Month in the Country .
19 As with any guidebook , especially one which covers an area as large as this , you can pick out numerous faults .
20 With the Sim-Fix it is unnecessary to punch extra fixing points in the slate and the strap is quickly and easily nailed to the batten with three optional fixing points , making it possible to use it with any size of slate .
21 If you have a good facing brick , it is generally best not to paint it or seal it with any kind of coating .
22 One spokesman said : ‘ We usually deal with any dogs as individual cases .
23 I 'm against some sorts of professionalization , but it would be silly to think that the university should have nothing to do with any profession .
24 But there appears not to have been , for instance , any of that sterile rivalry between man and wife which is now the bane of middle-class society with any claims to cultural or intellectual interests ; plainly Mrs Lowndes and the young matrons who were her friends did not seethe resentfully at having their intellectual and imaginative capacities shackled to kitchen and nursery , whereas their husbands could exercise theirs in the great world .
25 It is in this profoundly grateful and reverent sene , certainly not with any heartless flippancy , that forty years later in the prison stockade Pound greets the sunset as a designer — ‘ grand couturier ’ .
26 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
27 And so it was not with any special disappointment that Tate envisaged how Eliot 's message , his distinctively American apprehension of Europe , might thereafter be conveyed less in poems than in his conduct of The Criterion , the magazine he had begun to edit in 1923 :
28 Only a few professors and their favourite students seem to have read enough to be able to consider a matter of style with any data at their disposal — these and a few poets of the better sort …
29 With any data at their disposal ’ — the terminology puts us back into Louis Agassiz' laboratory .
30 As Storr points out , he only felt entitled to love insofar as his deeds merited it : deprived of the total , irrational acceptance which loved children routinely enjoy , he was doomed to an endless pursuit of this ideal state , but never with any real hope of success .
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