Example sentences of "with such " in BNC.

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1 Kate Bristow commented , ‘ It is a real privilege for ACET to be asked to work with such people as they look for ways to develop an effective strategy . ’
2 The catalogue amusingly contains some entries with such comments as ‘ Compare and contrast this painting with two works of the ‘ analytical phase ’ .
3 One of the most beautiful of these represents a thirsty man , whose desire for water is represented in the most lively manner as he kneels on the ground to drink from a spring , with such wonderful reality that one might imagine him to be a real person .
4 It plays with such ideas , to a Shavian pitch of exaggeration : but it is not a novel of ideas , any more than it is a heartless game .
5 But you are expected to be competent with such material even if you feel this is not what you would eventually choose to work with .
6 Not , he wrote ( and Goldberg went on typing ) , that here in London one is cut off from such supplies in the normal course of events , but that work can not begin until one knows one will not have to bother with such things , for a while at least .
7 Why we feel comfortable with such art , however grotesque , whereas the greatest art always leaves us a little bit uncomfortable , as though the earth we stood on had given a sudden lurch .
8 ‘ A system failure has a knock-on effect throughout the hotel and adequate contingency plans must be in place to cope with such a situation .
9 Autumn colour is easy to achieve with such shrubs as Rhus hirta ( often listed as R. typhina ) .
10 Her skin was pale , and as Jay watched , she leaned forward and massaged sun-cream into her calves with such concentration and pleasure that Jay was transfixed .
11 Dudek was surprised at the request ; it was not a course designed to deal with such matters .
12 To sit like this with such a beautiful woman .
13 ‘ Want anything ironed ? ’ she asked and dumped a mug on the bedside table with such vigour that steaming coffee splashed in Don 's direction .
14 Sorry was on the tip of her tongue when a thought struck her with such force she lay back to fathom its meaning .
15 Miss Sanchez plays her game with such enthusiasm she is always so entertaining to watch .
16 I am delighted to be associated with such a far-reaching project that will act as a clearing house for many people 's activities across the world through a service dedicated to the needs of an unrestricted membership .
17 What you can not turn to with such pride is BR 's printed timetable , which changed format several times during the eighties and ended as a poor thing , well below continental standards .
18 It is not hard to portray the BR of the eighties Monty Python style with such stupidities as creating a semi-autonomous Cornish Railways with great enthusiasm one year only to abandon them the next as though that were equally great progress .
19 Faced with such a quick and potentially damaging erosion of its business base , BR tackled the situation on two fronts — reduction of costs and a headon response to the coach operators with bargain fare offers .
20 Three particularly objective masters of choreography are de Valois in Job and The Rake 's Progress , Massine with such different ballets as The Good - Humoured Ladies and The Three-Cornered Hat and MacMillan with Mayerling and Requiem .
21 Movement makes its proper effect when the choreographer has selected and co-ordinated appropriate movements to make sentences flow from one to another with such style , quality and expression that the design makes sense .
22 Even with such examples in mind the choreographer may well decide it is better to delay the confrontation between the chief players because , by creating and stressing the general atmosphere , this raises the audience 's expectations before the meeting of the protagonists , and the sudden onset of passion is what makes the ultimate tragedy so poignant .
23 ‘ YOU 'VE got to get rid of the males , ’ David Gardner said with such fierce determination that he conjured up an image of concentration camps for male hops in remote parts of Kent .
24 It is difficult to see how anyone could notice the absence of white meat or fish with such an unending variety of tastes set before them .
25 Of course , Jeanne would have to be careful with such a large dog that , in his enthusiasm , he did n't bowl other dogs or people over , or frighten them .
26 My veterinary colleagues tell me one of the main dangers with such large dogs is not that they injure themselves ( through overexercising before their skeletons can carry their weight ) but that their diets are over-supplemented , particularly with excessive calcium , which damages bone growth and hinders development .
27 Loafing and roaming cohere into a larger whole , together with such imaginative furniture as hats and travelling rugs and passports and foreign restaurant bills and trashy pamphlets printed abroad and incompetently circulated .
28 ‘ Our club ’ presumably overlaps while being smaller than ‘ the best circles ’ of this society , whereas the ‘ they ’ of ‘ the whole town ’ is sometimes , but only sometimes , the ‘ we ’ of ‘ our town ’ ; and ‘ our group ’ which springs out of ‘ my ’ special relationship with Stepan Verkhovensky and which gathers round Mrs Stavrogin , Nicholas 's mother and Stepan 's patroness , is different again and again overlapping ; and the ‘ all ’ buried inside the phrase ‘ our ‘ old man ’ — as we all used to call Stepan Trofimovich among ourselves ’ is probably though not certainly synonymous with this ‘ group ’ ; while Dostoevsky delights in sly collective evocations like ‘ civic grief ’ and in parcellings-out like ‘ the poorest expectant mothers of the town ’ , and in fouling the whole snobbish provincial nest with such carefully calculated absurdities as ‘ almost the whole town , that is of course the entire top stratum of our society ’ .
29 With such a range of useful properties , the Berkeley team envisage as chip in which insulating , semiconducting and superconducting components are fabricated together , based on epitaxial layers .
30 Something of the sort has already been introduced into some English degrees , under the aegis of the Verbal Arts Association , who have made a welcome start with such work .
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