Example sentences of "you this " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry to have to ask you this , but are you an alcoholic at all ? ’
2 Think you this strange ?
3 But I give you this pledge .
4 But I give you this pledge .
5 I 'll tell you this .
6 ‘ It 's no use telling you disbelieving bastards anything , but I will tell you this : The Brigade is moving out of this place tomorrow . ’
7 I would like to examine them with you this evening , because they appear to me to contain much more than the permissible percentage of nonsense .
8 I come now to what will be the first of many simplicities which I shall offer to you this afternoon ; for I am sure you already realise from what you know of my speakings and writings — and it will be all the more painfully obvious in half an hour 's time — that I am incurably simpliste .
9 But I 'll tell you this , that young man has done more for Wales already than we could dream of . ’
10 ‘ I 'm sorry to have to bring you this terrible news , ’ the inspector said .
11 Freemans and the Clothes Show Magazine have got together to bring you this fantastic competition .
12 ‘ There are plenty of British Legion people about here today , and you 'll find those who will tell you this is bad , ’ he said .
13 I tell you this is one of the greatest days for me , as I 've been a Barbra Streisand fan for years .
14 ‘ And yet , this frightening scenario I outline to you this evening is precisely what will happen arising from the global plans of these major American-owned multi-nationals . ’
15 But I 'll tell you this .
16 Then , offering the razor : ’ I 'll lend you this if you want . ’
17 ‘ I tried to telephone you this morning — ’ he said .
18 I have a blister under my right ear , and I take twenty-five drops of laudanum every five hours , the ease and spirits gained by which have enabled me to write you this flighty but not exaggerated account .
19 I tell you this sister only that you may be warned and not endanger your dear son 's health or put your husband to an unnecessary and useless journey .
20 The chap there said , ‘ I really should n't tell you this , but there has been a political dispute over the spelling of ecu . ’
21 ‘ The passenger had his head out of the window and shouted abuse to the effect of ‘ I 'll get you this time ’ . ’
22 High Ashdonian merely extends the principle : here , the way to form any sentence is to repeat terms such as ‘ proportional representation ’ , ‘ partnership ’ , ‘ yes , my friend ’ , and ‘ I tell you this ’ as often as possible .
23 That 's a perfectly fair question , but let me ask you this .
24 You got environmentalists telling you this land should be left to nature , too poor for sodbusting [ ploughing ] .
25 And the king will answer , ‘ I tell you this : anything you did for one of my brothers here , however humble , you did for me . ’
26 And he will answer , ‘ I tell you this : anything you did not do for one of these , however humble , you did not do for me. , Matthew 25 : 31 — 46 New English Bible
27 I 've told you this before , but you are a small-minded lot , really .
28 ‘ Was he with you this morning ? ’
29 And I tell you this , that 's the advice your own mother would give you .
30 ‘ I can assure you this woman is what she appears — an intelligent scientist untrammeled by the usual preoccupations of women . ’
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